aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Icewind
    Hi everyone. How've you been?
  2. Sinebran
    hey malys. I'm doing pretty good. Life's a bit hectic at the moment, but It's fun ^.^ How've you been?

    I love your icon btw
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    hello chemical Im so jealous sinebran! it went from september to october and the temperture dropped about 8 degrees where I am I dont mind it being winter but I hate all the winter colds and flus that I always end up catching
  4. chemical99
    Oh I love winter, so nice and cold too bad it doesn't really snow anymore around here.
  5. Icewind
    @Sinebran: Thanks! I've always liked Gojyo. My life has been a confused jumble for awhile but I'm slowly sorting things through. The weather here sucks. It's already getting cold with summer over. I wouldn't be surprised if it began to snow soon.

    @chemical: Winter is okay but where I am it last WAY too long. I think we only had a few months of nice summer weather - it ain't fair! lol
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    ahh the joys of a UK summer is that it only lasts about a week ... so we are very prepared for winter when it comes but we hardly ever get snow anymore its always just freezing cold, torrential rain and occasionally hail stones the size of golf balls... not that im complaining or anything :P
  7. Anjelica
    Hi I'm new in here thought to intrados myself so...hi there... (Man, I’m so bad at this stuff)

    chemical99 > I'm in love with the winter but yeah there is no snow, jess it would have make my winter perfect.
  8. Sinebran
    hmmm snow? Whats that? lol. We're lucky to get into the 40's once or twice during winter where I live. So I enjoy it while I can.

    Welcome Anjelica!

    @Malys - I have to admit he's one of my favorites from Saiyuki, close behind Sanzo of course haha. It's just the right series for me, because it has the slightest hint of BL, just enough to make your imagination run wild

    I'm getting sucked into Jrock more and more. I find it to be a pleasant mix to the standard american rock which is really depressing if you really look at it.
  9. Anjelica
    I wish that i would see a snow in my home town but noooo!!!
    it's have to be:
    rain rain all day long
    no one knows till when
    you might swin in the street
    and no one will care
  10. chemical99
    Here as well but I don't mind I love rain as well xD

    I'm sooo bored right now...
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