aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I'm my next post on there I'll state they have to stay that way!

    I don't feel good at all..muka sent me his cold

    Artemis remember the other day when you said I get depressed when people leave? thats true but I get even more depressed when I find out I insult people on here without meaning to..seems we are both in the same boat..only you're smarter and better with wording..but still like you it makes me want to not talk anymore
  2. Robee
    Hi ho!
    I'm starting to slowly pull myself out of my 'funk'

    @kumakun, Thank you for words of encouragement.
  3. kumakun
    Robee I think I'm catching the 'funk" which sounds kinda pervy or whatever but you know what I mean..I also caught mukas cold..when I told him to send it to me I didn't think it would actually work

    and no problem..I would have done it on here but thought I had better not since I go nuts writting those things and maybe you didn't want to like you said.

    Anyways happy to know you're starting to feel better!

    I have this song in my head http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=V7eXg6...eature=related I miss the old days but its kinda cool cause now dave lives here all the time with his partner..I just wish he would do more things so I could see him..its been years! another big chunk of my life right there..8-18 I think but I still liked bob,clint,and dave after that and you can guess I still love dave..sooo cute scott I am not thrilled with at all
    I just found another picture of me with them and I'm pointing my finger and yelling at bob..I wish I could remember what it was about..(yelling=me normal talking but its yelling to people who don't know me..I'm working on it)
  4. kumakun
    omfg! ok thanx to muka sending me his cold (muka has powers be scared!!!!!!) I was dozing today and went into a dream trance and my friend who I've known for 21 years showed up and I said to her "oh you're having a baby!You're going to start showing soon!" she looked at me and said "how did you know that!?" I woke up and called her cause I just felt like it..I told her about my dream...she IS having a baby..only 2 1/2 months in but still! I'm the only one who knows aside from her and the doctor..
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    hello all I disappered again hope your all feeling better we all seem to be coming down with the cold plague !
  6. chemical99
    So eh really shy one here especially in real life xD guess I just prefer listening
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Hi chemical~!!

    I just saw your name ... I think I quoted you in response to something in a thread!
  8. kumakun
    hey chemical99 sorry for not welcoming you sooner..I suck anyways welcome and don't worry about being shy..we are all pretty nice I think tho a few of us are missing and not doing so good at the moment
    you like to listen do you? well I guess I could start doing my freakishly long rambles again
    guys my interest isn't building..I hate when it does that esp right now when I'm trying to save for the contest..we need the points!
    anyways I'm off again tho I may like I said up there come back later this week with a ramble^^everyone have a good week!
  9. Watsonholmes
    I just spent the whole night awake, so far today I've gotten oh about 3 hours of sleep-_-. I love all nighters but at the same time now I have to bike to work and I'm worried I'm probably going to crash or something. So this is a warning to you kids, don't do all nighters if you have to ride a bike to work.
  10. Sinebran
    sounds like a normal day to me haha. Well only I risk driving to work instead of biking, either way is dangerous though. Be careful. ^.^

    I can't wait for it to start getting cold here, it already feels like winter but its still hot outside -.-
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