aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    but it still not fun to hear/read what people think of your talking so much hm?
    I just hurt someone on msn but they did ask that I not hold it back..I hate it when I'm a bitch but I try to do it so I'm understood or something...I'm such a bitch.

    oh crap theres a new person and I'm sitting here being a bitch *is very sorry for the bad welcome!*
  2. Sinebran
    not fun, not fun. But another day always comes.

    ah a new person! Welcome. Feel free to bring up any topic to chat about. Or vent. or anything really. Don't be shy now
  3. kumakun
    lol yes and don't be scared off by my bad mood..I'm going to do something really stupid soon so lol to you guys..nothing bad..just the normal kuma is weird bit that I do

    EDIT-or maybe not cause I'm in a bad mood..but I'll do it sooner or later I'm sure

    EDIT AGAIN- this is how I am so what can I say http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwUgC_...eature=related
    I've had that up in my tabs for a few days but just felt like listening to it now and it has me in a good mood! also I love kisuke!
  4. Watsonholmes
    Hi, I'm kind of a newbie...Now I'm not saying I'm completely shy....Well actually yes I am. More so in real life then on the internet really. I have trouble with phone conversations and greeting strangers and getting out there and meeting new people. Other then that I'm really polite and a good person (i think). I love mystery/suspense anything, I'm currently reading Nora Robert's (under her pen name J.D. Robb) book series 'In Death' and I also love point and click mystery games. I hope I don't sound too crazy and I just wanted to say hello...
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Hi Watsonholmes~! Ahh, cute nick XD Do you pair them together?

    I don't read a lot of mystery novels, but I do love the Amelia Peabody series. Have you heard of it?? I've named my two cats after two of the characters ... Bastet and Nefrit.

    I have trouble with phone conversations, too I usually have to write down what I want to say and really psych myself up to make the initial call. I even put off calling friends; I prefer to simply email or use facebook/myspace. I think I've probably lost friendships because of these
  6. kumakun
    I think it would be pretty hard to out crazy me lol so I don't think you should have a problem here its nice to have you..you sound interesting

    I have phone issues myself but I seem to be doing better now
  7. Watsonholmes
    Actually yes although the first reason I took the nickname was because I was writing a series kind of trying to take Sherlock Holmes into the new century and my pen name was Watson^_^. But as I got into slashing I was right into them being a couple (even though Watson was married like three-four times).

    I have heard of Amelia Peabody although I've never read any. I probably should, I need to read more. I keep promising myself to read the last Harry Potter book but I already know what happened so it's like I don't want to have to read it happen -_-.

    Those cat names are cool, when I get cats I want to name one Sherlock (or Holmes). I live with my mom at the moment and her cats are named Maggie, Oliver (formerly Oreo from the shelter) and Rambo (his name fits perfectly I assure you). We just recently adopted a dog named Elise and now we are fostering a Greyhound by the name of Pongo. We also have some fish but we've never named them><.

    Phone conversations are the worse for me, mostly because I always say something stupid. I'm always opening my mouth at the wrong time, and I always get the feeling that I put people off when I talk. Which is probably why I don't have a job yet.
  8. kumakun
    lol look everyone someone to have a conversation with who makes sense..man am I happy to see you..I'm way to scatter brained to be able to hold interesting convos so I'm sure you'll be well liked in here!
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all< sorry for being inactive for so long I took ill at work on mon and basically havnt been left my bed since but welcome to Watsonholmes I'm also find it really hard to talk to people and am usually afraid of coming across as needy or clingy :S confession: I dont read mystery novels and I've never read any Holmes but I do intend to (its a classic right?) I do read a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, and oddly enough classics and period books which is why I think I'll prob like Holmes
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well the Sherlock Holmes mysteries aren't exactly like your typical Victorian tome, but I think you would enjoy them nonetheless I've actually only read one (maybe two, not sure if I've read Hound of the Baskervilles yet), but I enjoyed it fairly much. But you know Poe was the first person to introduce the "clever detective" character, and Doyle just copied him He does it better, though.

    You definitely have to read Amelia Peabody, SHE IS AWESOME. She is what everyone woman wants (or should want) to be. She's like the anti-Victorian heroine. She beats people with her parasol. She kicks so much ass. And her husband is Emerson, and he's a sexy beast

    The Harry Potter book, meh. I would skip it if you already know what's going to happen. Wait for the move

    Well, the only way to get over one's shyness or fear of speaking to people is to simply get out there and DO IT. But then again, don't push yourself to do something that you truly don't want to do, simply b/c you think it's what you "should" do. I hate going to parties full of people I don't know, for instance; I am 28 years old for god's sake, so that awkwardness around strangers isn't going to go away (it's part of my personality). I know I am going to be wretched and uncomfortable the whole time, so I always just say thanks but no thanks, and stay home.

    Now when I go out and have fun, I only do it when I want to, and with people I feel comfortable with. You can have fun with just yourself, too (sounds dirty, lol) and that's okay. As for getting over shyness to find a job, well, if you're young that's okay; just force yourself to get out there and start applying. But if you're older, it could be time to seek help, you know?
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