aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I am so sorry to laugh cause well host clubs...but I went right to my tuti brain and I laughed...Daiki "Doki Doki" so freaking cute! and tuti and eiji trying to out do each other is funny as hell

    I don't have anyskills at all tho I do have photoshop...its just thinking of something that works for all of us..could always use cozy heart from the care bears as a mascot lol

    I say that because she just said it seems cozy in here..

    EDIT I just found this lol
  2. Sinebran

    random picture of the day.

    Its kinda interesting to see how prostitution works a little bit differently over there then here in the US. Don't ask me why I find it interesting though >.<
  3. kumakun
    did you ever see the series where kelly osbourne goes to japan..I think it was called turning japanese..anyways her and another girl go to a host club and it was funny^^

    this is not to offend anyone so please don't take it that way

    I loved that when she had to do cosplay she picked lacus clyne
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ugh she's so crass lol
  5. kumakun
    I got 3,000 points from Sura!
    and 5,000 from aarin kohai which I thought was over along time ago
    I got 4th or 5th which isn't so bad when being in the same one as Demeter and our dm.su Synnesai won with 48 votes..seems like no one was really voting..I would have expected more votes for them
  6. vizard light
    vizard light
    haven't been here for a while hi guys
  7. kumakun
    yo!Things are dead tonight sadly..whats up?
  8. Sinebran
    *is dead*

    Just found out I'm working 10 hour days for who knows how long. So sorry if Im not very active.

    Good job on the points Kuma .

    Hey Vizard
  9. kumakun
    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ok well if ya gotta work ya gotta work hope you have time to read!

    Yeah I was kinda surprised by how many points Sura gave me..was supposed to be 100 points per right thing or whatever...but he did also say he may up the points since no one was playing...

    oriqfjieojgnwpiotjpo2jhioyjgtignmakosdfghuiuerthue rhtuiphufjhndjhbfvareuihgreuhtruhtu

    sometimes I hate that I talk so much and wish I didn't..I know just stop doing it right? but its me and I talk...if I think of something I wanna go tell someone...writting it down in a note book where only I will see it doesn't work for me..or else I would..whatever I'll just have to hope people stop talking to me for awhile.
  10. Sinebran
    phew, only have to do this through next tuesday. Not so bad. So I'll have plenty of time to read kuma

    I know how you feel. sometimes at work I just talk and talk and in my head I'm telling myself to shut the hell up, but I just keep babbling. But it's who I am(now) and people will just have to deal it with
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