aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    and if its a thread you could always edit it if you thought of something you wanted..anyways I wanna hear artemis's thoughts on it aswell ( and everyone elses...its just I like her opinions on things like this
    but everyone say what you think eh?

    and now..I am..gone..ttfn
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    a wish page sounds good as a way of expanding profiles and allowing more opportunity to get to know each other better, Hope you feel better kumakun *hugs*
  3. Icewind
    Hi everyone. How's your weekend going so far?
  4. Sinebran
    what weekend? lol, I slept and worked out. That's about it heh.

    Hows your malys?
  5. Icewind
    Same as always. Fairly quiet. Nothing to do really but the usual.

    I'm bored.
  6. Sinebran
    I am now. I want to go do something but everyones busy.

    I'm staring at my messanger hoping for some activity >.<
  7. Robee
    *Pink Floyd:'Comfortably Numb'*
    Is there anybody in there?
    Just nod if you can hear me.
    Is there anyone home?

    Hey! What's new and Who's new?
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    My weekend has been okay ^^ It rained today. *blech* But I forced my butt to go to the gym.

    Hi Robee
  9. Robee
    @ HI Artemis! Just checking out the posts updating my 'Reps' list adding a couple new 'threads' and writing a message to '2Good2BeBad': I won second place in her/his AMV contest-So Cool. Checking out how the 'Arrin' has changed it's format.
  10. Sinebran
    evening everyone, ok well morning. How is everyone?

    I tried to post earlier and it didn't go through, then I got sidetracked like the ADD person I am.
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