aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ah bleach I've seen some of the animes and read the first two mangas shame we dont get many live action plays in the west boo but they look good all done up in costumes and manga hair sorry I dont understand any japanese at all wish I could though its on my two list
  2. kumakun
    lol yeah it is fun to see them like that..aizen hugging ichigo and doing renjis hair..and byakuya dancing...thats just but I love it I wish I was sleeping
    what animes and characters do you like?
    ok I'm off I hope everyone has a good day
  3. hayenga
    Hey all whats going on its been like forever!
  4. kumakun
    yes it has..and nothing much..talking about random stuff I think..same thing I normally talk about..which is sad but whatever..I'm not really in the mood for much*shrug*

    I was reading this again looking for things for my ava contest and thought I would just put it in here..I dunno..I feel like crap..

    The two of you first performed together in 2003's "Musical Prince of Tennis;" do you remember your first impressions of each other?

    Tuti: Uwaah, so that's how this talk's gonna be? This sounds kinda fun. Hmm, yeah, let's see...the first time we met...
    Nagayan: It was at the photoshoot for the flier. Tuti came in a little late with (Moriyama) Eiji-san, and immediately started getting really excited talking with the other cast members about something I couldn't understand at all in this HUGE voice, and I was like, "Uwaah, what the hell is this guy?" (haha) "Are all actors like this?"
    Tuti: Yup, that sounds right. (haha)
    Nagayan: As for me, I didn't know at all whether or not I was still going to continue on with stage work after this, and on top of that I was nervous coming into this company in the middle of everything for my first show. Truthfully, at that point I was just worried about just greeting everyone.
    Tuti: The flyer photoshoot huh...
    Nagayan: You don't remember, do you?
    Tuti: No, I remember doing the photoshoot itself, but as for my first impression of you--I was also kinda confused, like, "So, how should I communicate with this guy?" Since we were playing doubles I wanted to hurry up and get close to him, but it was like, because our characters were so close I was really being careful with how I behaved around him.
    Nagayan: So, I was standing there thinking, this was my first stage show, and everyone else had already had their first performance experience, so my top priority was getting at least that far. During rehearsals, I was torn between either devoting myself towards finally reaching what I'd always aimed for as an actor, or deepening my relationships with the other people around me, and I decided that I really wanted to focus on the former, so I devoted my time towards developing myself. The point when I started to really see my relationships forming with not just Tuti, but the rest of the cast as well, was in the performance after that, and the Live (Dream Live), I think.
    Tuti: Yeah, you didn't hang out much outside of rehearsals either, huh. Even nowadays when I call you you'll go, "I'm kinda at my parents' house right now." (haha)
    Nagayan: Hey, that's only now and then! And what about you? I'll call you up and you never call me back! Well, it's not that big a deal really. How can I describe it... He's the kind of guy who, even on stage, he'll take anything you throw at him, and he's really random, but in a good way. And there's this sense of security where we can spontaneously tell each other, "If I just leave it up to him, things will work out."
    Tuti: Well, that's the general feel, at least.

    I thought it was cute..what can I say also someone in here might join my ava contest and find a qoute from that
  5. kumakun
    you know I wish there was a page for all your aarin wishes..not just for cards...but just a wish page..well an info and wishes page...you don't get alot of info on someone from just reading the about me thing..there should be a page where you write out more about yourself..and what you wish for..like a story or whatever..sorta like the secret santa thing from last christmas ( tho I didn't get my wish) I dunno I just think it would be easy to link in a siggy and anyone who wants to know about you can got right to it..know what I mean?
  6. Marcy Jade
    Marcy Jade
    A wish page would be cool...
  7. Sinebran
    wooo happy weekend everyone!

    Only a few more days left with the house to myself. /le sigh, I want my house/condo/apartment now, damnit. heh.
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    No you don't! Because then you have to pay rent

    Although living alone is pretty ... nice
  9. kumakun
    Sinebran and Artemis what do you think of a wish page? it would be much easier for people to keep track of things...I mean not everyone who writes looks in the request/challenge fic place...I suppose I could link to my request but that still wouldn't cover everything
    anyways I'm gonna be gone a few days as I am crazy depressed again..nothing to worry about tho..I'll be back when I'm feeling better
    until then..I hope everyone has a great weekend/week!
  10. Sinebran
    feel better Kuma *hugs*

    I think that's a good idea. I wouldn't have much use for a wishes page, but I like the idea of expanding the personal profile pages.

    @Artemis - yeah I know, I lived out of the house for about a year, but that was with an ex. I think the freedom of having your own place is worth the rent.
Results 1371 to 1380 of 2934