aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    omfg most of you guys won't know who the moffatts are but when I was little they used to be a little boy band I liked..anyways I just was talking to yaoilover87 and they came up so I looked for a vid to show her and found some very very weird things..scott has lost his mind and dave..well hes still dave but he kills me lol..I kissed and hugged scott..seriously..I must have been crazy

    yeah I added your hotmail addy to my msn tho since you aren't using that on yahoo it won't show up..but if I knew your yahoo addy I could add you like I did lent ^ ^ but its ok if you don't wanna give it to me..I am a weirdo after all
    my nick is genma is smex.....and so is yuichi tsuchiya!
    lol I felt like such a stalker when I did it..and then I was like oh crap what if she gets mad..eep..but it doesn't sound like you are

    thanx I'll tell my friend to do that
  2. Sinebran
    speaking of videos


    this has to be the funniest(sp?) fake sub I've ever seen. Alice Nine. made a little movie about friendship and this is what someone did to it.
  3. kumakun
    lol that was interestingI kinda wish I knew what they were really saying while watching it cause I don't think he was actually trying to write a lemon..or was he? lol he didn't want to be uke!
    I think I'm gonna have to watch it again later when my head can make sense of it cause right now I'm all
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LJ is okay ... the bya_ren community used to be great, but lately it's been taken over by a new bunch of young writers

    Lots of young folks on Aarin, too, but there are also more mature fans to have real discussions with
  5. Sinebran

    theres the actual movie.

    Poor Hiroto always gets put at the uke. lol

    I like lj when I'm looking for stuff. other then that, no one uses it to journal in. Plus it works for finding people who aren't into BL.

    I finally watched Ai no kotodama, I suprised that it was actually a really good live action bl movie

    I finally deleted the Bleach groups from my friends list because there just wasn't anything good anymore.
  6. kumakun
    yeah but if I want a tuti/takashi story I have to ask them since not many people on here are fans or even know of them

    lol I'm not one of them..I don't really ever remember having a real discussion with anyone on here or maybe I have and just don't remember..I talk alot
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello to shinemoon, MoronicTruth (love your sig name btw!) and Keiryu, I havnt been here in the group for very long but everyones been so nice and welcoming to me that I know we'll all get on well
  8. kumakun
    yep we will..it seems like we always do ^ ^
    whats up?
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Its my day off today So I'm using my time to lay around the house, watch DVDs (Im watching "Wives and Daughters" Im a sucker for period romance) and chat on the forum how are you doing? Liked your Indian name btw I'll have to admit that I've never heard of tut/takashi do they belong to a particular manga or anime?
  10. kumakun
    does anyone in here fully understand japanese? I'm going to need some people to watch some stuff so I can get some quotes..points will be given of course

    um well its 8:00am and I have yet to sleep..but I'm not doing to bad..could be worse
    lol the people are gonna kill me on here for talking about them again eep *no hitting please*but tuti and takashi aren't anime characters..tho they do play them in musicals..tuti=gin and takashi=toushiro in the bleach musicals..but they are friends and people like me pair them

    oh hey to anyone who remembers me talking about the bag they made last week..the one out of takashis pants and tutis shirt? I showed pix so you better remember! anyways you don't gotta watch the whole thing but the bag is at 7:11 in this vid
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