aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. brave heart
    thank you so much for the welcome
    @kum: hahaha ^^" well both for me ^^" but thank you happy to be here with you guys ^^
  2. kumakun
    justice league I thought I had missed something but its the new season tonight...well that just lifted some of my bad mood

    lol I think its kinda funny that some of the new mods are in the group but I love them and want them to stay
  3. MoronicTruth
    xD I'm barely getting used to this place; Hello.
  4. kumakun
    have I said hey to you b4? if not hey..if I did..well..hey again

    I just did this blog quiz...seriously...wtf

    Your Native American Name Is...

    Keegsquaw Salai

    Your name means: Virgin Squirrel

    heres the link if anyone else wants to do it

    I did it again with my nick on here..gotta say I like it alot better!
    Enola Alawa

    Your name means: Solitary Pea
  5. Keiryu
    Hewwo all!
    I'm new here and I want to make alot of kick ass friends! So please...dont take me as being to desperate or crazy! XDD
  6. kumakun
    there are some kick ass people in here..sadly I am not one of them but I'm sure you'll find someone and its nice to have you!

    You Are 72% Interesting

    You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing.
    You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.

    You are genuinely interested in and open to the world.
    You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.

    Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal.
    But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long.

  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Hi Keiryu, and welcome

    If there's one thing you should learn about this group, it's to believe the EXACT OPPOSITE when kuma talks badly about herself
  8. Sinebran
    Wow so many new people to the group. Welcome

    I think that should be rule #1 Artemis >.<

    I got Chista Salai

    Your name means: Fair Squirrel

    You Are 44&#37; Interesting
    Truth be told, you're not the most interesting person in the world.
    You don't put much effort into expanding your horizons. You're content to stay in your little comfort zone.

    You tend to get stuck in a rut, and you often bore people who spend time with you.
    You are predictable and somewhat narcissistic. You're too focused on yourself to see how boring you can be.

    You have the potential to be an incredibly fascinating person. You just have to be a little more proactive.
    Shake things up. Try something new. Take a risk. The worst that can happen is that you'll have an amazing story to tell!

    Thats pretty much accurate -.-
  9. kumakun
    well your thing didn't seem all that nice Sinebran....the end was alright I guess but it almost seemed like the person who made the quiz wanted the person who gets it to feel bad or something...I know I would have..but I'm weird so who knows

    lol Artemis
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Sinebran ~ I agree

    Kuma ~ I've tried like a billion times to reply back to your profile but I keep getting the "A~~" entity So I'll reply here...

    Well being a mod doesn't necessarily mean you're not shy, so it's not surprising that some would be in this group ... though as a shy person, I can assure you, I sat on my own app. for a few days, blushing every time I thought of sending it through Being shy can prevent you from accomplishing great things in life, I've found ... sometimes you just have to persevere, and see what happens.

    You added me to MSN ... What does this mean? I have my yahoo on right now, but I don't see you ... wait, i don't even know your nick.

    And for name changes, PM Dai.
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