aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    Yo sio chan! whats up?happy to have you
    seems another person besides you has joined since I was last on we are up 3 from last week..I just wish I could keep track of everyone so I would know who new people are..tho I guess leaving them be is a good thing..let them talk when they want too

    izume lol how could you having been bugging me..I was the one who kept talking about weird things anyways you weren't..yeah coz said she'd show me how to use it...I had the old one and I liked it..and now I have the newer one and it doesn't like me
  2. Robee
    @Hi sio chan "Welcome to the shy/thinkers group"
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Hi sio chan!! *waves* Welcome This is a good place to start off if you haven't posted in, well, 2 years!

    Well, I feel totally shot through the chest My application for mod was turned down! And basically all my closest aarin friends go it lol It hurts! I had so many big ideas that I wanted to share ... I wanted to be Social Groups moderator SO badly. I wanted to contribute to this forum with all my heart. But I guess I wasn't good enough.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    thank you for the welcome @kumakun it took me ages to post regularly in forum (like two years) sure other newbies will post when ready (hopefully not as long as it took me though :P) @ Robee thank you I'm detremined to get over the shy thing so just need to get the thinkers part down @Artemis Moonsong thank you for the welcome *waves back*, I'm hoping that I can start participating more in the forum and maybe *fingers crossed* make friends on the forum, sorry your feeling down *hugs* but you can still share your ideas and contribute like you have been that doesnt need to change and you can try again next time
  5. kumakun
    I know Artemis I was so sad when I didn't see your name in blue! I thought you would make an awesome Mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so who is watching this group o_O
    but atleast we got lent and dm.su...I like both of them..well yeah lent adopted me of course I like her..and I've only started talking to dm.su again..but I think hes pretty awesome too ( even if he doesn't post much in here lol)..still I wanted you to be a mod too..

    sio chan don't mind that little whatever it is I just had up there..I do that from time to time..
    I'm sure you'll make friends pretty quick..most of us in here are friends aren't we?o_O aren't we!?o_O

    only 130,000 points to go b4 I can start my ava contest.. I want them now tho

    I need someone to make me a cool lay out for my lj..and I want some help with a few things there since I'm new...if any of you can make layout let me know..I'll pay you points for it..*BEGS FOR HELP*
  6. kumakun
    to those who I have whined to..I am truely sorry and I will do my best not to do so in the future!no I am not starting shit and no one has directly said anything to me about it..just saw some stuff and I wanted to say sorry to you all!big hugs cause I love you all lots!
  7. Sinebran
    I've done my fair share of whining here kuma so don't worry *hugs*

    I wish I knew how to make layouts. I just search forever to find something, which I had to settle for a shou layout instead of a saga layout /le sigh
  8. brave heart
    brave heart
    i'm new here so please take care of me hope you all great
  9. Sinebran
    Welcome Shinemoon Hope you enjoy it here.
  10. kumakun
    shinemoon..wtf? cool to have you here but I'm gussing your here more for the thinking and not the shyness?tho I guess you could be shy anyways welcome
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