aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    It was really good. I've had green tea and red bean ice cream now. Their both really good in different ways.

    S is for Special

    I is for Ideal

    N is for Neat

    E is for Energetic

    B is for Bouncy

    R is for Revolutionary

    A is for Artistic

    N is for Nice

    mine name >.> I have been energetic and bouncy recently.
  2. kumakun
    well I dunno what num nums is supposed to mean in my name lol but the rest of mine I like I suppose..it didn't call be evil or anything

    maybe I'll try that one day but I don't like green tea so I don't think I would like it as ice cream

    Your Passion is Pink!

    You're the type of woman that would never get described as passionate...
    Oh but you can be passionate at times - you just don't let it show.
    Your passion most shows through in your sweet and optimistic attitude.
    And chances are, most people are very passionate about you!

    right....tho I did just make my lj colors pink..
  3. Sinebran
    I'd definitly try it if you ever get the chance.

    I feel so bleh and for the first time in my life, really really lost. Like I'm in a hole with concrete walls and no rope to climb out.

    You have an lj kuma?

    Lol I got pink to. All is mildly true except the last part -.-
  4. kumakun
    yeah I got it the other day so our club memeber izume wouldn't have to keep finding me thingsIts pink and if the flowers were yellow it would so be Takashi/Tutipink and yellow thats them..anyways yeah I got one...not gonna use it for much but I thought it would be better for her

    yeah I'm a little lost myself and not all that happy..I'm actually hardly ever happy really but I'm trying to forget it..

    whats got you down?

    I think my bad mood the last few days has to do with the nurse/case worker coming here today..I don't want her here damn it!

    is there going to be more aarin kohai and sampai sp contests again? theres a few people I want up there ( also dose anyone else notice that people spell those differently..I looked them up b4 to see which was the right way but I don't remember now)
  5. Sinebran
    Yeah I don't use mine much besides for lj communities these days. But for the sake of the fact that I have had one for so many years I update it every now and again.

    I just had a little breakdown, and felt a little lost about what I'm going to do with my life. But I'm feeling better now. Ready for the weekend to start.
  6. kumakun
    well thats good to hear

    what do you people think of me changing my blue custom page to pink and yellow? I love blue but I was thinking I might want to change my page..maybe..I don't like pink to much but I do like takashi lol and yellow=tuti
    lol omg I shoulda done my page to look like the inside of takashi/tutis blossam bag...woulda been so ugly but so beautiful! lol yeah I'm weird..we already know this..
    I wish I was sleeping

    (btw one side of the bag is takashis pants and the other side is tutis shirt...ya they aren't together..they just like to make bags with the word blossam on it made out for their clothes..yep..not together..not at all pure jokes..I dunno if they are or not but it makes for some good fanfiction^ ^ also how do you go about asking someone for their shirt? "hey I have this idea where I use my pants and your shirt and make a bag..I know how much you like that shirt since you wear it all the bloody time but I thought you'd let me cut it all up and use it..and not cause your my boyfriend and love me or anything"

    pure jokes my friends pure jokes

    also I'm just talking to keep this place going...I'm sure I'll switch over to some other weird thing soon enough and stop writing about them lol
    or ya know you guys can come up with whatever and say it too..

    I think we should come up with something to do in here..some sort of game..or something that Robee comes up with cause his things are fun ^ ^

    I thought it might be fun to have a banner or something but I can't think of a good one...any ideas? something that shows all of us..
  7. Sinebran
    Hmm, might be a little bright. But its your page so do whatever you want to it, I'm sure it will look great

    Blossam bag?

    A friend and I have been busy slashing Alice Nine, its just so easy because they all seem so close. Like Saga talking about how he passed out in Nao's bed when he went over to record ^.^

    My brother watched some of their pvs today and was making fun of them soooo bad. Talking about how they all look like girls and such -.-

    Hmm a game would be fun, and something to do when theres nothing to talk about, which is rare.

    We could all throw in a picture of some sort and try to colaborate that into a banner?
  8. kumakun
    lol yeah I don't think it would come out well if I did that...I guess I can live with my lj one

    yeah takashi has a clothing line and him and tuti sometimes make things together..they made this bag out of takashis pants on one side and tutis shirt on the other ..anyways his line is called blossam ^ ^ well pants and shirts that are like the ones they are wearing in the pics

    yeah I was thinking about doing that myself but then we would have to keep redoing it when new people come..so I'm not sure how to do it

    I just took this test and this is what kiss I am

    fair well kiss
    although this kiss is the most passionate kiss its also the saddest. you usually see this kiss at the end of a tragity when people are bidding adue

    thats not fun at all!

    and this is the song that I am :/

    Twilight, by Vanessa Carlton. A lot of things have changed for you, so your realizing that nothing will be the same. Also Never Too Late (three days grace) and Innocence (Avril Lavigne)
  9. Sinebran
    ah the bag thing is kinda cool. Sounds like something lovers would do >.>

    Thats true. I thought about it after I said it. I think it was on my mind because I've been on a photoshop binge. I'll upload one of the ones I did for Saga.

    Do you have the links to those quizzes? Their fun

    Ugh I'm so jealous. My parents are in seattle right now waiting to go on their cruise. So they called me from the international district and picked up some jrock cds for me. But I so wish I could have been there -.-;
  10. kumakun
    yeah and theres actually a pic of takashi and tuti..and takashi is wearing the pants and tuti wearing the shirt.....I gotta find a pic of that bag now

    lol yeah everyones on photoshop theres daysizume is too lol poor girl and I'm bugging her..or was since I'm not on msn anymore


    theres the pants
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