aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    Sinebran look an update! twin souls if you don't know what I'm talking about..also yay tuti doesn't look like a crazy person!

  2. Sinebran
    lol I just saw and was coming to tell you ^.^ I hope theres some nice u/s interactions

    My fasting only lasted a day instead of three lol. >.< But when I went out tonight, I actually didn't feel so bad about my image. So I guess all that weight loss has done something.

    Nice pic btw. And after the movie I just almost watched, he can never look like a crazy person (Read:gay older chinese man w/ long flowing hair dancing around in a tutu)
  3. kumakun
    how many of you guys like anime bl over the real stuff..or hinted at real stuff?
    I love my anime boys of course but real boys are just to cute sometimes
    ..and no I'm not talking about tuti and takashi..

    also Sinebran are ukitake and shunsui actually going to get really together in this story...I like the story but I need more love with them..tho I do like how it all started and how they interacted after...wanting to be sleeping near each other and such..I just want a little more now..what do you think?
  4. izumeseijin
    When the Harry Potter movies started, girls in my class were fangirling/obsessed over Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton Of course that includes me, too
  5. Sinebran
    When it comes to BL, I'm more a anime lover. Unless its really well done gay stuff, with no cliche gayboi characters. Or the characters share a special bond that can be slashable. Like Interview with the vampire >.>

    I hope so, I think she may have dug a pretty involved story line, which is the story plus some ukitake/shunsui on the side. I don't really want graphic sex or anything(go on, call me crazy :P) but some romantic moments would be nice. Like if there was a scene inwhich they come to terms with how they almost lost each other and the emotions they feel about that. Though mabye not out loud, because that wouldnt be very manly-ish >.>
  6. kumakun
    Sinebran thats what I think about the story..but I wouldn't mind them having some fluffy moments

    yeah Eiji and Daiki are like that..they hold hands for petes sake lol
  7. kumakun
    omfg on the new 90210 they just used an exact line from the first 90210
  8. RikuRiku
    hello everyone
  9. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ahh I can't stand real life BL; it's fake for one thing, and I just feel uncomfortable slashing real people *shudder* Plus a lot of the "real life" people that fangirls like to slash are too girly looking for my taste, so I'd rather at least one of the guys be super hot and manly; both is even better (i.e. Katou x Iwaki)

    And, um, where is this awesome ShunUki fic that you guys are discussing??
  10. Icewind
    Hehe, I didn't watch 90210 tonight since I was out. Although I doubt I missed anything really.
    I don't like real-life BL either. I'll stick with the beautiful bishies in yaoi.
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