aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    good Riku.

    I ran into something today and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I was at the grocery store, and ran into someone I worked with at another store that closed recently. Now I remember her name being something middle-eastern sounding.

    So when I glanced at her nametag at this new store it said "Meg". So I don't know if that was something she choice herself, or I have this inkling that they gave her that nickname to sound all-american. What do you guys think?
  2. kumakun
    I wouldn't be surprised if the name was changed
    lol at takashi I didn't watch that because I couldn't but I've seen others
    I can't tell if I'm in a good mood or not..I'm sorta blah..

    go baby go go http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=GeAU530Tdy0 I'm sure I've shown that b4 but I have it on so there it is again
  3. RikuRiku
    hmm might have been made up O.O not sure though lol kinda silly I think any name is fine
  4. Sinebran
    I was suprised when I found that because I was just randomly scanning through sims2 downloads.

    cute video. ^.^ I liked the suspenders and tie outfit the best.
  5. RikuRiku
    Suspenders O.O
  6. kumakun
    lol I can't believe takashi is like 6 years older then me sometimes..tho it does make me happy that when I'm in my 30's I can still act like a crazy person..or whatever it is we act like the thing with him tho is..it almost seems like he is always acting where tuti just seems ...weird..you just look at him and go "oh tuti what are you doing now" lol and you know hes being real when he goes out gets drunk with the other pnish people..takes pics..upload them while they all written drunken blogs lol he seems to be calling him self otote san as a joke..saying oh tuti to himself..sounds like something I would do
  7. Sinebran
    You don't have to grow up and stop acting crazy until your dead. Or have children, then you just have to curb the adult themed crazyness around them.

    I wish Alice Nine. would update their blogs with actual updates. But it's still cool since saga(another sexy member) posts to his almost daily.
  8. kumakun
    this acts as my blog I think or our blogs..
    I hate being awake at 4 am

    just saw this in eijis blog lol why do I like this person
  9. kumakun
    who gave me the live journal stuff with tuti and takashi? I can't remember but I can't read some of the stories *sigh* points to whoever gets them for me lol
  10. izumeseijin
    I gave them to you and I asked you if you had an LJ account because you have to join the group to read friends-locked entries. (I also said I'd e-mail you the stories if you really don't want to get an lj account)
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