aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    Why did you buy them a 15grand card?

    or, perhaps you are thinking I might earn 15,000pts back

    or, maybe you have faith they might return the favor back?
  2. kumakun
    well I doubt the person could pay me back since they only had 1000 points...and I guess maybe its because in the end I really don't mind to much..I just like for people to have cards they really want since they kind of show a persons personality..dunno..I don't do it all the time..just randomly now and then..but still I'm never gonna get to a million this way am I?
  3. Robee
    Oh, I don't know
    One can only have faith, I suppose...,in the end.

    Perhaps, someday your good deed will be paid foward?
    (Figured out yet where 'The Four Winds' meet yet?")
  4. kumakun
    hmm? no I stopped thinking about it cause I was trying to figure something else out...like you guys know that I'm not really after tuti or takashi right? theres some crazy person freaking out at people who say things like I do lol and its sorta funny..but scary at the same time...I mean if I were to run into tuti I sure as hell wouldn't lick him..I'd say some weird and random crap as I always do but I wouldn't lick him I have yet to lick any of the other famous people I've met and I'm not about to start now..tho I am free to think it
  5. RikuRiku
    wow good eveing everyone I don't know if I can scroll back to me to see what has happended so lets start again how is everyone? lol
  6. inabee
    Oh, really? then I should search more! lucky me, my dog is a toy poodle ^^ thanks for letting me know ^^

    You guys were talking about Tim Hortons in Buffalo, NY??
    well, that's where I live ^^

    oh... I thought you are really into them... oops! I was almost misunderstanding about that.
  7. kumakun
    inabee I am really into THEM lol but I'm just saying that I say weird things on here and go fan girly because I can but I really wouldn't go that far..sure I say tuti is mine but I know hes not this person is crazy scary when it comes to takashi..yelling at people who like him? come on!

    alright well I'm off for the night cause my legs hurt and I'm not feeling well...night everyone!
  8. Robee
    @Hi Riku, I was at contest and trivia figuring out a riddle for the 'Angelica's Spring Festival Thread' -WUZ UP!

    @inabee double check with your airline.

    Yes, I was worried that the population might go into shock from drinking what a Canadian's idea of coffee is?

    @Kamakun is thinking of something else now,.. yes
  9. RikuRiku
    awsome Robee always busy busy ^^

    Good night Kuma
  10. Robee
    @Riku busy huh?

    @G'Nite Kumakun!
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