aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    Sorry, but staying up late and working through the next day is the only thing that works for me

    @Hi, Sinebran!
  2. kumakun
    not hearing that Robee
  3. Sinebran
    Today has been suprisingly productive. Mabye its cause I'm all fired up from breaking my weight plateau.

    That was so kind of you robee. I hit a possem last night on my way home from work. I felt terrible, but I really didn't have time to stop.
  4. kumakun
    you know just the other day I noticed that there was 1000 pages and now theres 248 more..thats a little crazy don't you think?

    my day hasn't been productive at all but I'm a little happier since I got to talk to a friend finallyit had been awhile and just yeah ..I was happy

    haha inabee just e-mailed me..I guess maybe I shouldn't say that? but it popped up on msn as I was typing so I said it..
  5. Robee
    Actually, I've been back for the last hour my mother had me on the phone for the 45min long distance.
  6. izumeseijin
    All this talk about dead animals
    Well, when I get my own car I hope to God I don't ever run over anything. I've seen pigeons and squirrels squashed flat it's nauseating.
    My family had a lot of pets when I was little (birds, fishes, cats, dogs) but then we came here to Canada and the fee to own a pet (licenses and then go to vets for checkup) is so expensive we haven't bothered. I want a cat/dog Even just a fish. I don't think a license is needed for a fish, right?
  7. Robee
    Only if you want to catch them.

    But that doesn't apply to me I'm a 'Status Native"
  8. inabee
    I'm moving back to my country in two months and I am planning to fly with my dog. ....feel so sorry that he has to be alone in the airplane, in cargo room... for about 15 hrs... I wanted to bring him in cabin but there is almost no airline company that allows pet in cabin. ummm....

    @ kumakun
    you got it? good to know ^^
    sorry for being slow! did you check the latest update? the pic is so funny!

    thank you for warm welcome (back ^^)
    agh...I should've thanked you earlier... nice to meet you
  9. izumeseijin
    Hmm, my brother has a license to fish. But I don't think he's allowed to bring them home to eat

    Is it just me or has the negative rep function been removed? I was giving out a few and it disappeared (I only see 'I approve' when giving reps).
  10. kumakun
    I didn't think my cat was that expensive
    izume did I know you live in cananda? what part? I'm in ontario if you didn't know ^ ^
    mou Robee I want some cherry garcia...but I don't have any
    inabee I want tuti! did you get my reply about the coat lol I'm such a tuti/takashi *****
Results 1241 to 1250 of 2934