aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I was in a bad mood so I wasn't going to come on but then I started having panic attacks so I thought I might be able to distract myself on here...so here I am
    I gotta e-mail coz ^ ^
  2. Sinebran
    good morning.

    my brother reallllllly needs to stop waking me up early.
  3. kumakun
    its afternoon here and yes he does
    seems I'm in a really pissy mood for no real reason
  4. Sinebran
    eh, its still morning to me. Even if it was almost 2pm >.>

    aww, you should go punch something. Then find something really random to laugh at.
  5. Robee
    Were logged on but only here for a bit need to grab a shave/shower and put up some new threads. Then go out for some provisions to get me through the next 'work week'.
  6. kumakun
    oh Robee your still alive I don't know but I think the red in your ava makes me happy

    I started reading tuti and takashi again so I'm not so bad now but I'm not to thrilled either for some reason..I seem more depressed then normal....

    Oh for the love of everything I've e-mailed coz and totally forgot to ask about the bar I'm gonna go order one in her shop or something

    Sinebran what are you gonna do today?
  7. Sinebran
    Hey Robee.

    I get in those states as well, but I'm sure you'll cheer up soon

    Cleaning, bleh. I'm substituting my work out to get my room and bathroom completely organized so I have no choice but to do it. -.-
  8. kumakun
    lol cheering up and acting cheered up is different...but thats all I'm saying about that.

    also I hate when it feels like people are avoiding you or saying one thing and not meaning it..bad mood..really bad mood..
  9. Robee
    Remember when I said I had to stay up awhile longer?
    I actually was stayed up 16 hours longer...,I had to break my irregular sleeping habits of getting up late because I was showing late at work.
    Don't worry, I'm back to my regular sleeping pattern and my company won't fire me because I'm the only person who knows what they're doing.

    And yesterday, well..., I was kinda 'bummed out' yesterday.
    I was on my way home from work and I found a bird with a bad wing. So I debated with myself should I help this bird or let nature run it's course. A half hour I was 1/2 a mile across the city to our local 'Humane Society' to hand the bird over to them but unfortunatley they moved to the other side of the city where we just came from.

    So, we waited for a bus to take us back. Upon further inspection of my 'feathered friend', his wing wasn't broken; he had an abcessed tumor growing out of it's shoulder. He slept in my hand for a little while, then I could'nt feel his heartbeat anymore-he died while we waiting for a bus downtown.

    Change of plans. I went back to where I found him, to the open field to near where I worked. In a thicket of bushes and small trees; I placed his body in the 'lee' of old moss covered stump (The scent of the moss and my hands should protect him from predators): "from the earth from whence I was born and back to whence I came".

    It was late when I got home. So, I went to bed.
  10. kumakun
    uh um I don't even know where to start with that....a puppy died in my hands once..that was sad so I know its sad..and you went to all that troubleyou're a kind person my friend ^ ^

    well good to know you won't get fired but staying up freaks me out..so don't do that anymore if you can help it please
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