aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    yup I'm still up. All riled up after a night of shifting again. ^.^
  2. RikuRiku
    :-O hehe hiyas
  3. Sinebran
    how ya doing?
  4. RikuRiku
    I am great just relaxing really tired I should sleep lol but I have to get some work done
  5. RikuRiku
    How are you? sine
  6. Sinebran
    bleh, organizing my rather large music library. Boring as hell. -.-

    It would be great if they added a chatroom feature to the groups one day. heh.
  7. RikuRiku
    I organized my room the other day was very long and tiring lol, how much music do you got? lol yes a chatroom would be awsome
  8. Sinebran
    I have to do that tomorrow. I let it go really bad recently. 'bout 2300 songs, actually isn't that much but I hate staring at the itunes layout. And theres so much labeled "track 2" or some random name but no other information. -.-
  9. RikuRiku
    >< eeps that makes it alot more diffecult

    hehe well hate to leave you alone Sine but it is late and ihave work tomarrow ..sadly so good night and sleep well *hugs*
  10. Sinebran
    good have fun at work
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