aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    glad there was no castrophes(sp?) in your area Artemis. Though I kinda like the times that our city had its power knocked out from a hurricane, very calm.

    maaan I'm tired. Physically that is. Accomplished a feat at work in less that 4 hours when it usually takes the other shifter (moving armloads of files from one shelf to another) over a day to finish it.

    Lost 2 lbs though

    How is everyone tonight?
  2. RikuRiku
    I am very well Sinebran hehe, yikes armloads of lots of files...man

    I had an equally tiring day....My younger sister wanted to get a pompom so we looked one up and we have to travel 2 hours then ..got lost so we were searching for this pup for 4 hours...lol then had to go home...man was an interesting day.
  3. Icewind
    Yay, I won my first graphics contest! Well, 2nd place but that's still good for a first-timer.

    Lvl 5 Abel-kun you will soon be mine.
  4. Sinebran
    lol sounds like a fun adventure. I'm sure me and my brother are going to get lost as we terrorize tampa and orlando next weekend. Muhaha >.>

    I'm gunna do a bit of shameless self promoting. I do a weekly email called WTF video of the week.

    This is weeks videos.

    If you wanna join, just let me know.

    Congrats! I wouldn't even try to enter a contest, my graphic skills are a bit lacking.
  5. RikuRiku
    omg Grats Malys! I am happy for you

    Tampa and orlando awsome! wow I had no idea you did that, coolness ^^ I will check them out ^^
  6. RikuRiku
    hahahahahahaha my side hurts it was really funny thanks for that ^_~
  7. Sinebran
    hehe no problem. I like making people laugh.

    I would sooo love to do the office one at my work. It's what I feel like doing half the time.
  8. RikuRiku
    lol that would be soo cool...can I be invited? I choose blue team hehe YAY
  9. Sinebran
    the more the merrier. I would be on the sales side so we'd be on opposing sides.
  10. RikuRiku
    >.> dun dun dun lol
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