aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Icewind
    Good mornin'
  2. kumakun
    good morning ^ ^ hows everyone today?
    I'm tired but feel alright
  3. Sinebran
    ugh, my brother just had to call and wake me up 2 hours early. So going back to bed.

    But Good.....erm afternoon everyone.
  4. kumakun
    lol have some nice dreams eh..good afternoon!
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well, I'm back from evacuating from Hurricane Gustav What'd I miss?
  6. kumakun
    oh you're back
    would you be a judge for synnesai ? I said you would be fair but she said shes to shy to ask but asked if I would..so yeah..it was a caption contest interested? I guess you know to leave her a note if you are lol
    lent told me you had evacuated..thats some crazzyness
  7. Sinebran
    welcome back artemis. Did your area suffer any damage from Mr. Gustav?
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Sure I'll be a judge! Where's the link to her contest?

    My area suffered a bit, broken signs, downed trees, 1/3 of the city without power, but otherwise we were okay. South of us, they didn't do so well
  9. kumakun
    well you can tell the person you will on the page if you want to ^ ^
    btw I told lent to tell you "Yo Mama Katts!" next time she talks to you lol she was like wth?
  10. RikuRiku
    welcome back Artemis Moonsong! great that the damage is not to bad! good evening everyone~!
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