aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    @I use a microsoft photo premium 9, but I like some the older progams I use like ArcImpression 4.

    Right now I've bee inspired to write a new poem and I need a 'backdrop' that involves shadows and light coming through a window. To think I originally bought the camera so, I can send photos of myself to my family/friends.
    I hate having my picture done in a studio, it feels so phony.
    I like photographers like 'Annie Liebowitz' she can capture the essence of her subject.
  2. Sinebran
    welcome back Kuma. Feel free to hop in if your still around. if not have a good one.

    @robee, speaking of photography, I just came across this waterballoon experiment someone did. Turned out really cool, I wanna try it now. http://www.flickr.com/photos/davejoh/sets/72157606408703739/
  3. Sinebran
    I've never really experimented with any other programs besides photoshop. I'll have to look into some.

    Hmm, I might be able to dig something up for ya if you just need any light beamed window.

    haha I know how you feel. I went with the family to get portaits done back when I graduated and they turned out horrible. I couldn't believe how bad of a job the photographer did. I kept thinking "hell, I can to better then that" >.<

    I will be sure to check her out soon
  4. Robee
    @Sinebran, Kuma just logged off again.

    I just tried that link and I goggle it-nada.
    I'll just have to try flickr directly later if goggle can find it
  5. Sinebran
    huh weird.
    mabye that will work.

    Its such a simplistic idea with great results.
  6. Robee
    @found it! I think my camera can do 3pics/sec but I'll have to double check my manual. THNX!

    I don't go for bells and whistles; simple works usually works best for me.
  7. kumakun
    now for sure I'm leaving lol I was looking at nagayan/tuti stuff so I got lost night for real
  8. Robee
    G'nite kumakun
  9. Sinebran
    lol go to bed! that's an order miss :P

    I'm a fan of simplistic too, though I like to really go out there in photoshop and see what I can transform my pictures into.

    Well time for bed. 'bout 5am here. Goodnight. Hope to continue this discussion with you later Robee.
  10. Robee
    Same here: I mean it's 4:15am but I can't sleep just yet.

    I have to break my sleeping patterns so that means I have to stay awake a little longer.
    G'nite Sinebran.
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