aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    lol jailbait? I thought that was like 17-19 range? lol. And why would they kill you?

    Anything under 30 is fine with me. Being 20 myself >.>
  2. Robee
    @As for photography..., I'm waiting for Autumn to come into full swing here in the city. I want to go to the Parks then.

    The only way I can go to the beach is I'm wearing sunblock with an SPF rating of 2 Billion. Unless it's early spring or late fall.
  3. Sinebran
    I'm pretty much a complete novice when it comes to photography. But I love capturing scenery.

    Ooo fall colors. I wish we had season changes here. It just cools off during our 3 months of winter and thats about it.

    Luckly my skins toughened throughout the years. People from the north gape at me while I stand on a blacktop on a sunny day in 90 degree weather, barefoot. >.<
  4. RikuRiku
    hehe well robee and sinebran I must say good night it has been awsome talking to you guys. Sin I hope your feeling better?

    Good night guys ^_~
  5. Robee
    @G'nite Riku! Hope to talk with you again later.

    @Sinebran I'm a novice too. But I like to experiment with my digi-cam sometimes and I learn through trial and error (mostly error) what works and what doesn't.
  6. Sinebran
    Thanks Riku, been fun talking to ya to.

    Sleep well.
  7. Sinebran
    What kind of stuff to do you like to shoot?

    I love the option that takes multiple shots at once. Forgot what it was called, my brain died. Especially with taking pictures of people.
  8. Robee
    @Nature Scapes mostly, sunlight through autumn leaves, bridges buildings etc..., then I experiment with photo impression shop on my comp. enhance or alter the image.

    I forget what that's called but I think it's for taking "action shots" I believe?
  9. Sinebran
    Thats what I like to do as well. I've love to learn how to take cloud and moon pictures as well. I'm hoping to have to slr by next week so my brother and I can take a day trip out to somewhere to try it out.

    I use good ol' adobe photoshop. I've played around with it for years, but Im just not starting to learn how to properly use it.
    Actually I think its called multi-shot lol.
  10. kumakun
    I'm still around but you guys to be having a chat so I'll just be on my way night you 2
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