aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. RikuRiku
    O.O I like tora he is hot, what does Hiroto look like?

    hehe ah robee well nice to see you again or see your typing again ^_~
  2. Robee
    Well, where I live; the libraries prints out a seasonal recreation program guide sponsered the city. It list various cultural, recreational and 'special hobby groups' (learning computer, Arts, basic auto-maintenance, etc....) Some of groups are decently priced to join some are free.
  3. RikuRiku
    Oh ignore the who is who post lol sinebran I looked up and there they are O.O I feel stupid haha
  4. Robee
    @Who is Tora? and How old is he?
  5. Sinebran
    lol np Riki. Hiroto isn't really the type of guy I like.....but hes just so cute >.<

    We probably have something like that here. The library, haven't been there in awhile heh. I think I might start hitting the beach once a week or so. Just to be out in the fresh air for awhile. And once I get my SLR I might look into joining this photography group my parents recommended through meetup.com (they bug me daily about getting out of the house, I shouldn't have moved back home >.<)

    And of course I should go back to school and I imagine I'd meet people there. Atleast to meet people around my age.
  6. Sinebran
    Tora is one of the guitarist from the jrock band Alice Nine(hiroto is the other guitarist) and I'm not quite sure how old he is. mid 20s I think.
  7. RikuRiku
    ooh I love photography! library is good. I will be going back to school perhaps next year when I am done with my move.

    your close to the beach?!?! omg how close I love the beach lol and you can tell by how much I am talking at the moment.
  8. Sinebran
    I'm about 5 or so minutes away from the beach. Though I hardly go. Now a days if I do go its for sunsets and such.
  9. Robee
    @Aaaaaghhh! Just at the border for being acceptable and "Jailbait!" My sisters will probably kill me if I brought somone like that home!
  10. RikuRiku
    Sunsets are good lol more romantic

    lol Robee jailbait O.O
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