aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I think also of people like him so no worries and thank you for sharing

    the power was out in my building so I'm just been hanging out and whatever..

    I bought some cards from my wish list since no one was gonna do it for me lol...it'll just take me longer to get to a million thats all ^ ^
  2. Sinebran
    Lovely picture Riku, I love vincent. And I love cloudxvincent even more.

    So I feel like bothering you all with my problems once more. I just finished bawling my eyes out. And lately I haven't been able to cry, at all. I was watching the Alice Nine movie(its actually really cute you should check it out) and its all about sharing bonds and having friends. Well, this made me realize how utterly alone I am. How alone I've been for awhile now. And I guess it all came to a head.

    The problem is, I don't know where to go meet people, hell how to even really interact with people. And its tearing me up inside becuase I've always wanted to have friends where we're just insepertable(sp?) But, I've never really met anyone around here like that. They all just put all their attention into finding a spouse.

    Bleh gunna go have a cig. Sorry 'bout all that.
  3. kumakun
    don't worry about sharing things with that Sinebran..I'm sorry you are feeling so down but I can tell you that having freidnds like that are hard to deal with to because when they hurt you hurt and I can't even think about going home because it makes me want to cry because they all look so sad..like theres no future for them and its so hard to deal with it..and I don't..

    but you're not alone alone..you have us on here..even tho its not the same thing but I find that listening to people without having to look in their eyes better..I love my friends to death and I'm hurt that I can't be with them...but always know we are hear to listen

    I think I said this b4 but I wanted to say it again..this songs means alot to me because our whole school used to sing together from time to time and it was nice

    best one I could find http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=i36HT4...eature=related
  4. Icewind
    Riku: Wow that is an amazing pic of Vincent - I love FFVII. Thanks for sharing.

    kumakun: Can you give me more details on what you want on your pic bar, like size, the pics, etc.? You can PM if you'd like.

    Sinebran: You have know idea how much I can relate to you in that aspect. I've struggled with depression and anxiety for the better part of my life and loneliness seems to come with the package. I've always desired the same - close, meaningful friendships but haven't met anyone like that in my life. The one person I thought was a good friend turned out to be the opposite in the end (we no longer talk). I'm not sure what to tell you as I feel the same... I guess take comfort that you're not alone. I understand it's a terrible thing to have to deal with. <hugs>
  5. Sinebran
    Thanks Kuma

    I don't think I'd mind hurting when their hurting, cause thats what friends are for. Plus all the other great times kinda make up for the bad times. Though I have a friend at work, but shes older with 3 kids and is 90&#37; of time is in a bad mood.

    I think I need to change shifts or job or something. Becuase of my hours I don't talk to anyone until I get to work and then don't see anyone when I get home. So I don't even really interact with people. And those I do interact with are all 40 and older so I kinda feel like their aging me really fast.

    Thanks for listening I'm glad I have you guys to talk to. And if you ever feel like talking in a messanger just let me know.
  6. RikuRiku
    Sinebran I know how you feel, for all my childhood I was moved every year or every few months. so I never met or kept any friends...the one place I started to get to know people and become more open with, was Washington state..we were there for 1 and half years. I was soo depresed when I had to move...*hugs* I don't have anyone that I can really call my best bud and we are unseprable. I am just to shy at first to really meet people...it takes a good half a year for me to warm up and start being myself.

    *hugs tight*
  7. RikuRiku
    Also thanks Malys and kuma for liking vincent ^_~ cloud and vincent are...really hot togather
  8. kumakun
    Best one I can find

    yeah seeing them hurt hurts me..looking in their eyes and hardly seeing a soul nearly kills me.
  9. RikuRiku
    I am sorry kuma
  10. kumakun
    they know I love them and they love me and I know if I need help I know I can trust them and they know they can trust me but its to hard sometimes you know...
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