aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Icewind
    I'm looking forward to the new 90210 - I loved the original one so this should be a nice treat. Kind of like the new Degrassi. At least I hope it turns out okay. I noticed that girl in Nip/Tuck is on the show so it should spell for some interesting "events"...

    Edit - I watched the season premiere of Prison Break tonight and was ecstatic. I've followed the show since the beginning and have been looking forward to the new season for awhile. There are tons of plot holes but I'm amazed the producers managed to keep the show interesting for so long...

    ...still, I wish they would explain how Sucre and the others escaped Panama prison... hopefully in later eps.

    Hah, sorry, once I get started on one show I like I just go on. This fall should be interesting. </end muse>
  2. kumakun
    one of the girls from degrassi is init lol so its funny you said that..but degrassi was different because they already had characters that would be going to high school..emma I mean and it followed the story..but the new 90210 is repeating itself..they should have thought of something better then bringing a new family from kanses to the school..its the same as brandon and brenda..anyways I don't mind them coming back out with it but they really could have been more creative in their choice of how to start I think..tho the people who never watched it won't even know so it works on some levels..but really..a brother and sister again
  3. Icewind
    I wasn't aware of them keeping the brother/sister theme. I guess they could have done something different in that respect. When I mentioned similar to Degrassi I meant the way they were introducing a new generation but having some of the old cast return to the show as well.

    Btw, I heard (on ET) that Tori Spelling refused to be on the show since Shannen Doherty would be getting more money than her...
  4. kumakun
    yeah I knew what you meant ^ ^

    I saw an interview with someone from the show..producer or whatever and he said the 3 of them were getting along now tho they were fighting a few days b4
  5. Sinebran

    Theres Tora. I think above all else I'm in love with his eyebrows. I'm weird I know.

    I hope Artemis made it through the storm alright as well. I'm glad to hear that New Orleans did alright since I really want to go there one day.
  6. nikkei
    yo i'm new ..... i uh.....oh this picture is so freak'n hot i can't stop looking at it :3
  7. Icewind
    I did not like the new 90210...
    The premiere of the OC was more interesting than this episode...

    Oh, and hullo nikkei
  8. Robee
    Oh, God! I think I've done something stupid and submitted a 'new game' in the Forum Games

    I hope it's not a 'Turkey' and it flies!

    Oh, Hello nikkei! I got so wrapped up in my insanity I forgot to say welcome to the 'Shy/Thinkers Group'.
  9. RikuRiku
    Welcome Nikkei glad you could join us!! ooooh Tora is...SO HOT! lol Thanks Sinebran for putting him up for us all to adore >.>

    I have never watched 90210 O.O I have heard of it though, don't Tori spellings and Shannen Doherty have some kinda hate thing going on?? lol I hear Shannen Doherty is not very nice,true or false?
  10. kumakun
    lol malys I didn't watch it but it was that bad huh?
    nikkei I said hey b4 didn't I? aren't you in my avatar group too?
    Robee lol I'm sure it will tho I don't play the games..your interesting therefore your games more then likely are too
    Sinebran lol you posted a pic..that makes me happy for some reason he is indeed hot!
    RikuRiku True so far as I know..most people don't like her...and I don't
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