aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    oh I will!!! trust me!! lol the picture of takashi with a cow makes sense now
    would you be able to read tutis hand writting too?
    yeah everything of mine just stays as outlines..but people use them to try out photoshop so it all works ^ ^

    lol not the vid I was gonna find but it works the same..daiki freaks me out with his skinniness that person should have added the fotage of eiji blowing in his ear..http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=M4wVI0z7nBs

    Sinebran did you find any vids you liked? maybe I'm weird but I just like to see new things that other people like
  2. inabee
    haha! I will be waiting then ^^
    and yes. I can read hand writing too! ... or at least I can try

    Lucky you! I have no one who wants to help me to color mine... my rough sketches are left lonely~! and the only program I can use for coloring is... paint

    wow! Eiji pocketed two balls w/ one shot
  3. RikuRiku
    hehe wow it has only been a few hours I am glad that everyone is so active ^^ and thanks Sinebran ^_~ I feel the awsome welcome from everyone.

    I was reading down and down and down O.O hehe welcome back Inabee nice to meet you and Sinebran as well.

    Who is eiji? can you post a pic of him
  4. kumakun

    eiji moriyama as renji ^ ^

    RikuRiku yeah I talk alot cause I don't sleep at night so I'm on here alot of people give up on trying to keep up but really just talk whenever you want to even if we're talking about other things..you don't have to read everything unless you want to

    inabee lol I hope you can cause from what I read about him he rights in some weird tuti language that doesn't make alot of sense...but it does make sense because its tuti

    sometimes when I draw I feel like I'm making coloring book pages or something but its fun does anyone know you can draw?lol because if they don't know they can't help you ^ ^

    I wish I could find the part where eiji and daiki get scared and latch onto each other..which is why they were holding hands at the one part..they talk for a bit like they don't notice it and its cute ^ ^
  5. RikuRiku
    OMG lol Eiji is hot =D lol I stay up really late as well but that is only because I have a bf in Aussie so I have to stay up for him O.O lol so I can keep up with you until umm 3am hahaha then he sends me to bed *pouts*

    lol drawing? what drawing? Inabee? you can draw?~! sweet and awsomesauce
  6. kumakun
    how far behind are you I forget
    lol well good he sends you to bed!if you can sleep you should be in bed! people used to try sending me to bed but gave up
  7. RikuRiku
    LOL it is hard sending me to bed I just love being with him soo much so Ya I don't like sleeping o.o

    you don't like sleeping? :-O I am 2 hours behind I think? hehe
  8. kumakun
    no I love sleeping I just can't do it anymore cause I have insomnia
    yeah cause its 5am here

    OMFG the new 90210 opening is almost the same as the first one...that is just so wrong..only thing that seems different right now is that they are from kanses and not minasota sp on that...I don't know if they are twins but its still so wrong
  9. Sinebran
    nee ugh. My eyes hurt. I've beening digging myself further into the j-rock genre all in one day. I take that back, my eyes are doing wonderful. My head...not so much.

    I thought I saw something about 90210, not that I watched the first one. But, I took note none-the-less.

    I looked through a couple, You've probably seen them all already though.

    I think I might run off to find a picture of Tora to share with you all. Perhaps theres a fan of Alice nine in here somewhere. It took me awhile to develop an ear for j-rock outside of the classics. But now its great "bubbly" music.

    also, its near 6:30am here. I really should go to bed. Have to work tomorrow. Bleh.
  10. kumakun
    yes you should post something lol thats what I've been trying to get people to do all this time

    I've seen all of the first 90210 ( first being the one that came out like 20 years ago)

    I know I think I should be sleeping to but I'm not..even tho the time says 7am

    on a side note I hope all this bad weather goes away soon so artemis can come back..the news keeps showing it and its making me crazy..all these guns being bought and everything..I don't like it
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