aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    Greetings I already posted a greeting at your 'post site'
    to our 'little group'
  2. kumakun
    ^ vid I just added on the my other post and like I said there...please feel free to share vids you like

    hey RikuRiku nice to have you here with us

    Sinebran well I dunno you could be an awesome writter and you're just not telling us its you o_O I just thought it was funny the fic was updated just as we were talking about it
  3. RikuRiku
    Thank you Robee and Kumakun =) glad to have found you. I will check out this Video Kuma hehe
  4. kumakun
    ok I just found this....why is daiki so close with tuti I don't like it!

    that picture would make sense if it was eiji
  5. Sinebran
    Despite whose in it, thats still a really nice pic O.o The way the lighting works it seems almost like a devil&angel picture or something to that affect.

    Hi RikuRiku! Welcome

    Kuma, I could be an awsome writer >.> if I actually sat down and wrote. lol. I have a million stories started and haven't finished a one.

    I'm glad that person updated Twin Souls, but it was such a short chapter /le sigh.
  6. kumakun
    tuti come out looking evil in pictures more then half the time...its odd..and I'm actually sorta surprised they allowed that pic to be shown..or even taken for that matter

    then you're like me with drawing..I have 27 started and have no will to work on them again
    yeah it was but the person also said the next chapter is half done so its not so bad eh?

    also I'm still awake
  7. Sinebran
    I noticed that lol. They probably know that fanservice can be good publicity.

    My problem is getting a story line down. I keep changing everything, start the story and then lose all will to write. heh.

    aw,what time is it there? I really should go work out, but Im determined to find some Gackt PV screenshots so I can jumble them into some sort of inspiration. Besides being ungodly talented, the man works incredibly hard to get what he's achieved.
  8. WarlordJim
    Believe it or not, I'm quite shy. Most of my friends I met via anime or video games, and we're all quite shy too.
  9. kumakun
    well yeah fans service can be but not when its with the wrong person lol daiki and eiji go together!lol eiji holds his hand and blows in his ear its cute and funny

    I slept four hours but it feels like nothing cause it wasn't like passed out and feel like sleep sleep..just..not fully awake sleep..

    my thing is I find something I wanna draw get the outline done and can't decide if I wanna do something else with it or not and then don't bother to think about it again

    Yo! lol you were writting the same time as me only it took me forever to post it..whats up?
  10. inabee
    well, Hi everyone! I haven't been here for long time.

    @shinebran & kumakun
    youre welcome ^^
    E-J or J-E translation is the only thing I can somehow do, so ask me anytime, Kumakun ^^

    same here, kumakun. I start drawing and stop with rough sketches most of the time. don't know why but I guess I get satisfied when rough sketches are done.
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