aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    it double posted so I'll just add that I asked dm.su if he remembered he was in this group lol

    Robee sorta spamming your thread..well not really but sorry

    what do you guys think about doing a thread asking these questions? I would do the thread myself but I'm really not in the mood to deal with anyones bs right now..soooooo if someone wants to do it ..it would be nice and we'd learn about each other ^ ^
    these are the questions but you can read them there too...I know this has been done but theres not much left to do on here

    What are you good at?
    What do you love to do?
    What things are on both lists?
    Is your natural pace fast or slow?
    How do you learn?
    Are you a lark or night owl?
    What's your first question?
    Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
    Do you like helping other people succeed?
    Are you comfortable making decisions?
    Are you willing to confront other people about their behavior or performance?
    Are you willing to have your success depend on your team?
    Do you prefer working with people, ideas or things?


    You guys know those drawing personality tests? the only ones I can find are ones that you have to do on the computer and I suck at that...do you guys know where theres one where we can use pencil and paper?

    also I just did a cartoon character test and this is who I got

    You are Tweety.

    You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that
    no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and
    seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are
    witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of back stabbers,
    and you are worry-free.

    test is here http://naucon.net/misc/tests/cartoon_char.htm

    another test lol the sex one I don't think so!

    Interpretations below:

    Priorities in your life:

    You would describe your own personality as being loyal friendly protective
    You would describe your partner's personality as being smart cuddly they do what they want when they want
    You would describe your enemy's personality as being inquzitive
    You interpret sex as being smells good
    You would describe your own life as being swimming in clear blue water

    amanda will never forget you.
    You consider stacey as your real friend.
    You really love angie.
    Your soul-mate is probably darryle.
    You will always remember shawn for the rest of your life.

    test here http://naucon.net/misc/tests/anim_colors.htm
  2. dm.su
    <--- *Avoids AM's eyes* Glad you had a great day out

    Oh kumakun and Robee but you're not alone when it comes to clumsiness I've dropped a few plates in my time; thought I switched off the electric cooker when boiling soup, but it was turned to low - made the meat bone to jelly 1-2 hours coming back and burnt my hand on the cover; and talking about fans...my metal fan dropped on the floor during the night and the cover got removed, lucky I didn't step on it when I woke :S

    I'm good thank you Sinebran and hope you're well too, but if you want some good old English weather with its frequent rains, we'll be happy to give it to you
  3. kumakun
    lol those are only with in the last 2 months
    and yes vert lucky you didn't step on it..would not have been fun
  4. dm.su
    Those questions in purple I had to answer mostly all of them when I applied a summer placement - big large cold room, with an arc table, I was alone on one side and had 2 post grad and a Prof on the other side ... is what myself and other applicants felt after the interview.

    But the other results, I'm a Tweety as well

    Interpretations below:

    Priorities in your life:

    You would describe your own personality as being Loyal, best friend, companion, friendly
    You would describe your partner's personality as being Cautious, independent
    You would describe your enemy's personality as being Sneaky, greedy
    You interpret sex as being Alert, addictive
    You would describe your own life as being The unknown, beautiful, vast

    Friends will never forget you.
    You consider Brother as your real friend.
    You really love Dad.
    Your soul-mate is probably God.
    You will always remember Mum for the rest of your life.

    Largely everything is true - number 3 I just typed whatever popped in my head for those colours.
  5. kumakun
    lol you're sex one is better then mine omg smells good

    all your answers are really good actually..the one about your life sounds so nice
    I think it seems to fit you from what I've seen and heard of you

    tho god being your soul mate is a bit odd I think

    ok so I made the one quiz be a thread tho I am worried for some reasons I won't say
  6. dm.su
    Thank you Yours is good and funny too, and the sex part

    Yeah the God part is odd I just thought white as pure and then God popped up, probably it should be worded as "You're soul is bonded to...god", instead of soul-mate or something like that.

    Took a look at your thread, the sex part answers from them
  7. Sinebran
    I would gladly take your rains over florida's sun any day dm.su, and send some real trees with the rain if a could. I'm tired of looking at palm trees -.- lol.

    @kuma - Anime is kinda my guilty pleasure, I like it but I don't tell anyone about it (except on here of course)

    I'm not sure, I'm hoping for another day off, but I'm hoping for a rainy day more.

    I answered the Interpretations quiz, that was fun.
  8. kumakun
    dm.su yea soul bonded would have been better I think and lol at the thread answers..I'm having a good time reading them...its funny how so many like their enemies and dislike their partners

    Sinbran I think most of us has anime as a guilty pleasure

    I want it to rain too..or snow..snow would be nice!
  9. Robee
    I started a new thread: Facetious Pt.III: "Make up your own Holiday!"

    Artemis, I see you gave yourself a Birthday present a new Avatar.
    Looks Good Does it come with a new 'SIG' too.
  10. kumakun
    she had a contest for people to make her a set ^ ^ I guess thats the one that won?

    and now I'm going to go make a holiday

    btw artemis if you actually do want to talk to me all you have to do is tell me your e-mail and I'll add you on msn

    new quiz cause I like house...just wanted to see who I would be..heres the link
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