aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    yeah sura gave us 2500...I guess I could have fun the doujinshis myself but I was being really lazy and thought you might know where more are but I wasn't fully useless I led him to te manga

    dm.su I do things like that all the time so the glass didn't bothers me to much it was just the hassle of it..it doesn't hurt now or anything so it wasn't bad ^ ^ my fingers in the fan hurt more

    I wonder what artemis did for her birthday
  2. dm.su
    Yikes, we need to keep you clear from any other house hold objects

    But isn't there a saying when you drop something? like you drop a broom - company is coming; a fork - a man; a mug - seme and uke getting it on at your doorstep
  3. kumakun
    last week when I was super gluing something I stuck my finger to my other hand by mistake...and b4 that I got a wire hook in my toe..and b4 that I stuck my fingers in the fan by mistake...I'm always doing something so I think I may be use to hurting myself or something

    lol I just said this to two people..but I'm mad about it! this morning when I got off here my activity level was 40 and now its 38 they shouldn't have it work like that its not right and only encourages spamming!
  4. Robee
    I'll say it again Happy Birthday, Artemis!

    kamakun, dm.su right we really need keep potentially dangerous objects away from you. Don't fret! I've hurt myself twice in the same week and both times the injuries required sutures I never got.

    The first injury-I waited to long to get sutures:high risk of infection to get them. Second injury-I accidently lacerated myself behind my ear-used surgical glue to bind the wound. Bozo DR. told me it was safe to put my glasses back on....they got stuck to my head
  5. kumakun
    ah sorry to hear that..I never get stitches either tho when my dr sees them hes like what the **** did you do now? that looks like it needs stiches but its too late next time come in! I suck*sigh*

    the fan thing..I have it beside my bed and when I get up in a hurry I sometimes use the fan and my fingers go in through the outer part so its my own fault these kids at the place I used to live at would always say "cake don't touch the fan" and wag a finger at me I think one was 2 when he started saying it..which is why my name is cake lol

    and I think already told you this in here but I also burned my hand when my mom left the stove on and went to sleep...so damn lucky I have ocd and check things( that is true..been to the dr for that too..not bad just mild unless I haven't slept in days..it does get worse).anyways I know just to stay away from what I check..so it was pure luck..or something..that I even saw it..it was on for an hour b4 I knew it...my mom was sleeping and I woke her up so she could see what she did so she would know I wasn't making it up..and she reasched to touch the ****ing burner! I stuck my hand between hers and burned a few but its alright..did't blister which was surprising actually)

    omg they got stuck to your head

    sounds like we are the same when it comes to not getting things looked at when we should oh and b4 I forget do you know what your next set of questions are? sorry mine suck but snuzzle is just something people have called me lol

    how about you guys thing of a stage name for me eh?
  6. Robee
    Your 'Diva Name' (I hope I translated this properly):
    I took nickname 'cake' changed to 'sweet'. Then I thought 'accident prone?' changed to 'surprise' instead Took both and translated into Japanese and came up with this: 'Amaku Shimasu'.
    Is it just me or does that sound like a Japanese Pornstar to anyone else?

    How about: 'Sweet Katastrophy'
  7. kumakun
    haha yeah that works for me!
    it does sound like it but its fine cause it fits well enough
    thanx for that..just had another fight with someone on aarin...well on msn..but aarin member so thanx for the laugh
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    kumakun, get off MSN and switch to yahoo Then you could talk to me


    WTH is dm.su doing, poking his pretty nose in here?? *narrows eyes suspiciously*

    My day was great XD One of the kids acted up in class, but I just ignored his smart ass little butt. After work, my sister and I went to the gym, then had dinner at a delicious authentic Mexican restaurant. The staff there are so cool. Then we went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. It was such a great girl-bonding movie.

    I wanna Diva Name Sweet Katastrophy, rawrr!!! She sounds sexy This reminds me of that episode from Project Runway season 4.
  9. Sinebran
    Hopefully I'm back for good again. Saiyuki sucked me in and I managed to finish the whole thing this weekend. Now I don't know what to do with myself >.>

    Happy severly belated birthday Artemis.

    I hope everyones been well. We have another tropical storm out in the pacific, perhaps we'll actually get some rain from this one. -.-
  10. kumakun
    lol so you had a good day except for that kid?thats good

    I have yahoo actually but it never works for me but msn lets people with yahoo talk to people with msn ^ ^

    lol so you like that name too? ok Robee lets think of one for her too k?

    Sinebran are you gonna get off work again?
    I don't watch much anime..I don't think..but my favorite is gumdamseed/destiny..mostly because it shows what the world will be like soon enough
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