aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Nnoilalala
    I'm guilty of posting short posts a lot, it's not for post count or anything, I stopped caring about that after reaching the last level *sigh*
    but personally I like to read short and easy to read responses, (so long as it's not irrelevant or spam) so I guess it makes since that I write short too at times..

    besides, when I write a lot it becomes rambling and nonsense >.>
  2. Mifeman
    @nekogal: I see what you mean... Sometimes the best answer is a short concise one... I have some tendency to write long (and i think) boring posts but i can't help it... When i'm excited about something i just go
  3. makiyuki
    The important thing is not the length...a short concise response is fine; however some people don't address the topic at all.
  4. dealla
    I think everyone, once they start talking excitedly about a subject that interests them, are in danger of getting lost in their own ramblings.It's definitely true for me and it's the reason I don't like posting at all. I prefer not to give my opinion than to be misunderstood. But I've been trying to express a bit more freely lately (thanks to the Social Group feature ) and I've noticed that practice makes posting a lot easier I only read my message three times before posting it, not 5
  5. kumakun
    unsteady!!-hey I read your posts it even says so in my siggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"unsteady my friend whose posts I love to read!"
    and as for long posts...ummm....I think I am the queen of long rambles...I can't help it
  6. Tenjou
    So, hello Shy/thinkers.... I also joined...Now I'm going to put here my very random thoughts.....

    I wish I would be able to post long posts..but I'm always at lack of words... When I admire something I don't know how to express what I feel.. I'm just overwhelmed by the feeling itself....
  7. kumakun
    I use small words but I use alot of them..so my posts get longer tho thats not the reason why I use them..I just get lost and start thinking of more to say and I type it all..then come back later and fix it if I feel I worded it wrong or could have said it better.which is almost the same thing..see..easy..long..ramble..tho not everyone is thrilled that I do this sorry its really not on purpose..just the way I am
  8. Tenjou
    Well, I like your posts.... I do not feel that you ramble...^_^
  9. kumakun
    you must be one of the few then cause everyone who puts me in their siggy wants to put me as their friend that rambles..its all fun tho so its ok
  10. unsteady
    I read everyone's post, even if it is a long ramble! I like it when, even if you ramble, someone still understands exactly what you're saying. That makes me happy.

    I guess it's not how long a post is though, just what people put into it that counts. Some are short and sweet others are long and...sweet.

    @Mifeman - I do that as well. Though sometimes I think of something I want to say later then come back and find that that topic has already gone off in a different direction too.
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