aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Shrine of the Dragon

  1. Rakashun
    A scene I'd love to see at the end of this arc would be Feilong and Mik standing at the railing of the ship watching Asami and Aki motor away, and Mik slowly puts the moves on Fei, maybe touching his butt as an infuriated Fei gives him a killer look (but doesn't move the hand away!).
  2. makiyuki
    I just cannot warm up to Mik. Since I cannot have my ideal partner for Fei I would like him to end up with Yoh.
  3. bella28385
    I just found out about this group!
  4. Madefreakshow27
    Has anyone considered Fei and Kou as a pairing. I read a few fics with them as a pairing on livejournal and now I'm kinda hooked, haha.
  5. Rakashun
    Remind me again, which one is Kou?

    Hey, Bella! What's your fave Fei scene? I'm starting to think I really liked him best back when he wore that long braid down the back and was trying to please his father (well, the man who raised him, anyway).
  6. Madefreakshow27
    he's takaba's dark haired friend...he and the blond, takato got kidnapped by fei-long at the start of the naked truth chapters.
  7. Fuji
    Yeah, I just feel if Feilong and Mikhail got together it would be way too rushed... :/ Even if he got together with Yoh, it would be really rushed, but still better than Mikhail...

    I vote for Viewfinder spinoff centered around Feilong~~ I mean, there can only be so many more chapters of the Asami Akihito story.. but at least a few volumes left of story to tell in Feilong's life. :/
  8. makiyuki
    Fuji, a spinoff about Fei would be so interesting. He is such a complex character...it would be great if that happened.
  9. bella28385
    @Rakashun: I liked it when Fei was with Akihito in Hong Kong. I also liked it when he was with his brother ^^ he seemed very vulnerable and raw in the beginning.
  10. Fuji
    Heh, I think it woulda been fun if Fei's brother got a liiiiittle bit further than he did...
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