aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Shrine of the Dragon

  1. makiyuki
    You can never fangirl too much.....
  2. sommar
    Well thank you for that makiyuki feels good to know someone else agrees with me

    (Feels as my fangirling has taken another level now though since my computer is now filled with pics of Gackt where he's looking like Fei and Aki god, that boy manages to look gorgeous whatever he wears... I've yet to find a pic where he looks lik Asami though... anyone knows of any you're welcome to share it with me ^^ )
  3. Fuji
    Does Feilong really want to be smexed by Asami? I can't see him as a willing uke... Maybe mutual groping?
  4. sommar
    @ naikan - well, yes, I know I am "slightly" biased but how can anyone NOT wanna be smexed by Asami (superdupesemenotindisguise)
    Watching them on the bed and the first time and Fei kissing Asami just some chapters ago - in my mind there's no way he did not want to be taken over by Asami ... before that is. Maybe not now, he's done some growing up. But he seems so lonely *thinking about the time he asked Akichan to stay with him* God, he needs some loving ... and if that would entail mutual groping so be it Think about a oneshot PWP with him and Asami "mutual groping" each other *brain implodes*
  5. makiyuki
    I think Fei sama wants to smexed by Asami. He might protest a bit by waving his gun around but finally would surrender
  6. Rakashun
    I think Fei would have willingly allowed Asami to fully smex him way back in that encounter of seven years ago. Asami surprised him on the bed, but then he seemed genuinely disappointed that Asami stopped with just jerking him off. That image of him lying with his head in Asami's lap and Asami stroking his hair still gives me major fangirl quivers!
  7. 775752
    Oh man!! How I wish that 1 of the chappie will have Fei with Asami smexy!!!!
  8. Rakashun
    I'm beginning to think that poor Feilong is going to end up unloved in this series. *cries* Surely Yamane-sensei won't leave his story hanging when she gets to the end of this current VF arc...

    BTW, did anyone see the hilarious and smexy colorizatin of Fei with the "Buns fo Doom" hair style that's recently posted on the AY LJ? Love those pouty lips!
  9. Fuji
    @Rakashun: ...ehhh what about his underling?? Perhaps he was introduced so Feilong would get love? ^^;
  10. makiyuki
    YEP...saw the colorization of Fei and read a one shot smex AsamiXFei....it made me cry..bittersweet. It was on lj but can't remember the title.
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