aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Shrine of the Dragon

  1. sommar
    LOL... if I had that sense of imagination and ability to draw I wouldn't do anything else... ever! I'm sooo happy there's people w/ such talent to entertain me
  2. Rakashun
    I don't know how many of you watched with amazement the recent Fei Long Scavenger Hunt on AY LJ, but it got me to thinking what our beloved Fei-fei prefers in his personal tastes. I keep wondering what he really uses to keep that gorgeous long hair shiny and silky. Wish I could be a fly on the wall in his shower! *drooling*
  3. cloudygreyeyes
    @Rakashun :
    I have been one of the hunters... it was very fanny !!!!
    My choise for "his" shampoo was terrible expensive ahah ^_^
  4. makiyuki
    Last fall SunliyQ had contest matching bishies to shampoo...Fei sama's was Sleek and Sexy. Havi was Tres Semme.
  5. Rakashun
    I was just reading back through the first chapters of the Naked Truth arc, where Fei-Long first threatens Aki and his friends, and had to catch my breath at how gorgeous FeiFei is in his Western suit, shades, and hair pulled back in that scene where he shows up in the restaurant where Aki is on the phone! I usually prefer Fei in traditional Chinese clothing, but that one scene is such a contrast - he wears Western garb so well that Kou and Takato think he must be a model. Whew! Our Fei looks grand in anything. (...or nothing) *runs*
  6. cloudygreyeyes
    @ Rakashun :
    You're so right... *ç*
  7. Rakashun
    So...... just saw the raws for NT latest chapter. What on earth is Fei Long thinking, watching on the monitors while that whole scene goes down with Asami? And I wonder, just how many rooms on that ship are monitored that way... why can't he see where Aki is being held?
  8. sommar
    @ Rakashun - I thought the same... then I though "Holy crap! Is that being taped!?!" Having Asami on tape emptying the contents of a gun into another man must be heavy blackmailing material And what will Fei do if the deed falls into the hands of "wannasemetoFeibutaintgonnagetto" Mik? (will that perhaps be the next arc ?)
  9. Rakashun
    @sommar - Yes! Blackmail material!! Asami, you hothead! Maybe Fei-Fei can blackmail Asami into giving him a little smexing.... wishful thinking.
  10. sommar
    @ Rakashun - blackmailsmexing nah, don't think Fei would want that, he would only want Asamismexing if it was of Asamis free will But I LOVE Asami being a hothead! gahhhhh!!! completely loosing it over Aki-chans whimpering God I love this manga, sometimes I think I'm fangirling over it too much but then I read it again and go NO WAY! I'm fangirling too little
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