aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Shrine of the Dragon

  1. makiyuki
    sommar that mental image of Asami and Fei
    I just keep seeing their bodies entangled in that long glorious hair.
  2. Rakashun
    sommar & makiyuki.... you guys are sending my perverted brain into overdrive!!
  3. cloudygreyeyes
    Hi every-one.. I am new here ... And I can say that I read "things" really interesting in your posts..

  4. Rakashun
    Thanks for adding new pix!
  5. makiyuki
    Thank you for lovely pictures.
  6. cloudygreyeyes
    @ makiyuki and Rakashun:
    you're welcome !
  7. chamorrican56
    sommar and makiyuki always put those lil mental images in my head rakashun but i deffinately dont hate them for it
  8. Rakashun
    Did you all see those hilarious "Underwears with Personalities" that mercebymar posted on the AY LJ? The Fei-Goose is sooo funny... gives you the suggestion he's amused by playing with his own... erm... you get the idea. And it's magenta, too. Perfect Fei Long color.
  9. sommar
    oh my... I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair
    And Akis mouse! *roflmao* even my bf thought they were hilarous! but he felt sorry for Mik with the dripping tap... ehhh still, the image of asami rocking those elephanttrunks *yay pun!* didn't those elephanttrunks make a guestappearence in one of sunflowers stories? *scratches head*
    But Fei... sooo cute ^o^ And yes, playing w/ his **** and being surprised when it moves I wonder if he was like that when he was little and still didn't QUITE understand how certain things about anatomy worked
  10. Rakashun
    Yes, Aki's "mouse"! You can almost hear it go EEEEEKKKK!! when it bounces up! Ah, such silliness. That woman truly has a wicked sense of humor.
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