aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. MegaMaz
    Cyborg 009? I'm afraid I've only seen the anime... Could you direct us to it, if you can?
  2. MegaMaz
    My group needs more love...>.< I need to update it sooo bad...I got a few more manga to add, too...

    Wolf Crest - Wolfen Guy

    I'm pretty sure there's more...XD
  3. MegaMaz
    aa;lkgjdas;lfja;sjgas;djfja; <---basic reaction to the last 10 or so chapter of Akumetsu on onemanga...

    Many, 'Oh SH1T' and 'WTF?!!!' moments. Many moments too, but the basic gist of my post. Read. It. Please!!!! Ch. 120-129...oooooh, boy did the manga ever pick up the pace...
  4. ghettoe
    Megamaz you should go try shin angyo Onshi, so we can discuss it everyday! I love akumetsu too, He's so bad arse and I love his method of instigating reform. As brutal as it may be.
  5. MegaMaz
    @ghettoe: Brutal? One of the Akumetsu put blew up a man's head via dynamite stuck in his mouth...>.> And the mass killing? Ya know that panel where all you see are bodies or bureaucrats falling out of the windows of the buildings? Chills down my spine...and wee bit beyond being 'merely' brutal...

    He's just...epic~! And as this is yaoi forum...I've been greatly frustrated by the lack of fandom... Shou/Yamada has entered my mind, just because of how much Shou seems to enjoy messing with him. XD Shou and his past friend, the one that died...And self-cest...>.> Yeah...the thought entered my mind. What do you expect when you're dealing with independent clones, who get along so well as that?!

    And I'll try reading Shin Angyo Onshi...but I keep finding manga before I get to it... I seem to have taken a liking to manhwa, too. The Breaker is one that just caught my eye about an hour ago...I have't left the page since...>.> La Mosca, Wolf Guy... Gah...
  6. ghettoe
    I love the blood bath. What can I say? I'm a fan of gore. He is totally epic

    The breaker is awesome!!! I LOVE manhwas. They are actually much better than mangas. I mean I really love manhwas, I went on this manhwa craze and have like a manhwa list. Bless those Koreans.
  7. MegaMaz
    Bless a lot of their manhwa...XD

    The Breaker
    Witch Hunter
    Jack Frost
    -Total Hellsing Rip-Off, my friend calls it, but I still love it to bits!
    Nephilim John

    Are the one's I've been reading recently...
  8. ghettoe
    I'm addicted to defense devil right now, but I can't help it because I love the authors to bits. Loved Shin Angyo Onshi and loving defense devil just as much. I love the depth in both stories. They are my fav authors. Jack frost is quite the hellsing rip off, especially his attitude. I love the breaker, gave up on Witch hunter. I should try Nephilim John. Another must read manhwa is you're so cool (the one shoujo I actually loved). It's from the author of the summit and it's totally hilarious.
  9. MegaMaz
    You're so cool, huh? (wonders off to check...)

    And Defense Devil...is making me freakin' cry right now. Poor Kucabara~!
  10. ghettoe
    Defense Devil is just brilliant and I'm currently the authors number 1 fan. I've never come across any author that draws and writes with so much depth. It's the same as when I read shin angyo Onshi, when I finished, I was so blown away anything else I read paled in comparison. *feel like I'm repeating mysel* I'm lately on a beelzebub craze too. Read it again yesterday and can't wait for an update.
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