aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Photoshop 101 Monthly Contest | June 2017

  1. celtic7irish
    ❀ No spamming, but a few comments here and there won't hurt. Just don't bury the entries with comments.
    ❀ Please be nice to others and don't bash.
    ❀ Use what you made please. Don't steal anybody's designs.
    ❀ Only enter signatures and nothing else, please.
    ❀ You must make a signature that matches this month's theme. Anything else is definitely a no.
    ❀ Signatures can be any size as long as they are within Aarin rules.
    ❀ You may make as many signatures as you want but they must follow the rules above.
    ❀ Winners must start the new contest's thread on the first of the following month.
    ❀ If you win, please copy & paste these rules and add yourself to the winners/theme list.

    What do you win?
    1. You get to be next month's judge
    2. You get to choose next month's theme
    3. Bragging rights
    4. 500,000 points!

    Judge for this month:

    Theme for this month:

    Past winners & theme
  2. Araka
    Damn I wish I had seen this earlier, I really like that theme idea.
    Luckily I have a sig I was working on a while ago that fits perfectly^^

    Might do more if I have the time for it.
  3. celtic7irish
    @Araka; Yep, this theme has actually been done before, but not for like....3 years or so, so I figured why not? And no rush, there's still a few weeks left in June. Thank you for entering!
  4. Sreaky
    Just wait I'm on it!
  5. Sreaky
  6. Sreaky
  7. celtic7irish
    @Sreaky; When did you learn to make animated sigs?!

    This one was hard, but I'm gonna be honest...the one that appeals to me the most is @Araka's entry. I just really like the sharp contrast between the dark background and the bright waterfall of her dress.

    So congrats, Araka! I'll be sending you payment momentarily! ^^
  8. Araka
    Well that came as a surprise, just saw the message pop up now. Will make a new post right now.

    Thanks Celti! And yes, Sreaky.. when did you learn to make animated sigs? Its awesome! ^^
Results 1 to 8 of 8