aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

First Approach, Share You Obsession.

  1. Halite75
    Oh, yes, the double whammy of the set AND auction obsession. I hear you, my friend.

    I bid for lots of sets, but then I forget when auctions end OR keep losing in the last minutes of auctions. Oh, yeah and I notice that certain people always seem to be bidding on the same sets I like!

    B is back in school now, so she shouldn't be as much of a threat to you and winning.
  2. aislinnelise
    I am aislinnelise and i have a sets obsession...and an auction obsession....

    And I can't believe I didn't join this group before now...I have over 75 sets now and I only joined aarin in April.......and I currently have I don't know how many bids in multiple auctions because I can't stop myself from bidding whenever I see something I like...so anyway, here I am
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    *cough cough* Well, I just wanted to announce, just in case you have all missed my annoying daily updates that I am hosting a sig and wallie contest:


    So if you are bored....
  4. Halite75
    Oh, yes, aislinn, you are progressing very nicely as a sets addict.

    @Artemis I haven't been entering contests lately....or making sets lately for that matter. I think it has been 2 weeks or more since I made one. I did promise one for commonlogic's contest, but it will probably be a total FAIL.
  5. paplou
    I am paplou and i have a sets obsession.
    Current sigs count: 73 in the folder, 25 worn
    If I wear one for 3 days, I should be able to finish wearing everything in 4 months
    makes me feel bad about not wearing the sets/sigs longer but if I rotate every 2 weeks, it'll take 2 years to finish wearing the remaining unworn sets.
    /ish trying to curb bidding. And failing
  6. Halite75
    Welcome! The first step is admitting it.
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