aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Project Group Stuff: Name, Logo, Members, Jobs/Duties...ect.

  1. DemonKeeper
    Information about the Project Group...

    Dubious Productions


    Storyboard Writer, Head Organizer, Character Artist, Head Programmer
    Designer, Programmer
    Designer, Storyboard Writer
    Storyboard Designer, Character and Events Artist
    Beta Reader, Beta Tester

    Group Formed:


    - - - - - - -

    I think I got everyone's main duties down, if anyone has a problem or wants their job titles changed just say so here.

    1) I just made the name Dubious Productions so that there was a name I could go by for the Social Group and chat room. Does everyone want to keep that, or should we change it to something else?

    2) We should have a logo of some kind, Kind of like how AI Projects has a heart or Moon Parrot has a moon. I was thinking something simple like a cat or something. Anyone want to throw something out there?
  2. Phoenixangel
    aww i feel all professional now XD
    hmm we could all have a go at designing a logo? pick the best one or something?
    as for the name i already said i like it XD just seems kinda right..?
  3. hakuyoku
    i think our name can stay....
    i like it tooo..

    i will go design a logo of some sort .......if anyone doesnt have any other ideas of group name..?.=3
  4. Sorin
    Yay, I'm an official beta!

    I'm fine with the name, as for the logo... Since dubious usually means questionable or suspicious or something along those line, I was thinking something with a question mark? Question cat maybe?
  5. Phoenixangel
    agrees with sorin* maybes a confused cat? XD
  6. KissuCross
    I'll see what I can do about the logo. I may be able to make one tonight.
    As for my job, I thought I was one of the writers, but I'm cool with what I was assigned. I think that the name sounds fine.
  7. DemonKeeper
    Oh that's right kissu! I had forgotten you wanted to work on writing too. I can add that to your titles if you would like :O

    Everyone is working on a little of everything so...:P
Results 1 to 7 of 7