aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

He's not "hot." He's A CHILD.

  1. jcs1stang
    well i happen to be one of those guys unfortunately >.> turning twenty and look like i'm 14 >.> but it can be a good thing i suppose
  2. dharmaserenity
    Those are usually the characters everyone fauns over and goes on and on about and I just sort of scratch my head. lol. I don't see what the appeal is. Frankly, I don't see what Eiri Yuki sees in Shindo lol. But I still love that anime despite that
  3. jcs1stang
    eh, they level eachother out in my opinion, kinda bring something to the opposite that they both crave
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I don't see what fans see in Yuki Eiri!! Can you say "ASSHOLE"?!
  5. jcs1stang
    hey, he may be an ass...but damn...it's the eyes...
  6. Emoness
    Aaah, well this is something I have been discussing a lot with others too.
    I guess it's a personal thing but even when I was in my teens I have never been attracted to guys that would not have to shave. So I always got me some older boyfriends and I'm even married to someone who's over 10 years my senior!
    I also get a "yukkie" feeling whenever I try to picture myself having to touch someone being so young.
    Never in my life I have been intimate with someone under the age of 20 and when I got older that age even went up.

    Oh and I have to agree with Yuki's eyes, they are lovely...but indeed he is not a very "gay" character (LOL I I'm very proud I came up with that one!).
  7. Arigatomina
    I don't pick up guys and guys who hit on me are always younger than me. In middle school I thought it was because I wasn't pretty enough for the older guys. In high school I thought it was because I wasn't pretty enough and didn't put out enough for the older guys. In college I *knew* it was because I didn't put out enough for the older guys. But I was the only female in the Engineering department and I worked a year before going to college, so maybe the fact that I was surrounded by guys fresh out of highschool had something to do with that. Now that I'm 29 I'm not sure why I still only get hit on by highschool guys. It might have to do with the fact that I don't look any different from I did in high school. I started getting white hairs at seventeen and I have a lot of them in my dark hair now. But that's it. My mother is around 50 and she looks like she's my age. Her longterm boyfriend is 5 years younger than her and looks 20 years older than her. My brother is 32 and looks like he's still in high school. My little sister looks like jailbait and she's 23 with a five year old kid. Blame my mother for having great genes. Or blame me for not putting out enough in middle school. If I had the older guys would have jumped me right away and I'd never have gotten into this habbit of only attracting teenage boys.

    ...though, you're only as old as you feel. I feel as young as I look. So meh.

    I feel bad for liking shota pairings like Digimon and Hikaru no Go. I refuse to feel bad for liking Gundam Wing and DGM and YYH. There's a big difference between pre-fifteen and fifteen-plus. Probably because everyone I know was sexually active at fifteen. Just because I didn't get laid until college doesn't mean I didn't want to back when everyone else was having fun. ~.~
  8. dharmaserenity
    Yuki is pretty horrible to Shuichi, but Shuichi just lays out the door mat on top of his body too. Such a little enabler lol.
  9. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    He does

    I'm more of a K girl myself K x Hiro
  10. Madaotou
    This caught my attention, the fact that they are ukes do not mean they have to be all teary eyed, with really HUGE eyes, all the nice yaoi go down the drain, my thought, that is
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