aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

He's not "hot." He's A CHILD.

  1. jcs1stang
    Byakuya is my favorite character, but he's sooo overrated sooo much of the time >.> Honestly, I just like his zanpakto the best, Shunsui personality wise is my fav, but i just can't let go of freakin bya >.>
  2. Purogia
    That's just so you know I'm not fanboying over Hitsugaya It's sorta like...you get a crack pairing going...and you've gotta picture it, but geez, yeah, he's too young as is; gotta age him a bit to make it not be creepy...
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    There was a pic somewhere that someone did of "adult" Histu ... Wish I could find it again and fulfill all your wild fantasies

    Yeah, Graw We are one in the same, girl. ShunUki and RenBya ... rawrrrr XDD

    JC, I would say that Hitsugaya is more overrated than Byakuya, and I'm saying this objectively (or trying to be). I see a lot more fan support for Hitsu than Bya. Hitsu also has more screen time (um, his own movie??) whereas Bya has remained firmly a secondary/background character.

    Anime Byakuya is quite two-dimensional, but the way Kubo handles him gives him the kind of depth that takes your (well, my ) breath away.
  4. Grawsparrv

    Oh, yeah. And, Artemis? I've read most of your stories... and I _love_ them, honey!

    Kubo who? *poor ignorant soul of mine*

    And, there I got some interesting ideas. Drawing Hitsugaya... as an adult? Hmm... it's possible, allright. Heh, I'll try that one out.
  5. jcs1stang
    lol it shouldn't be that difficult to draw toshirou as an adult, i could probably find a picture of that without much difficulty (has alot of fangirl friends) >.> its kinda sad too...but hey, why not?
  6. Qwertzu
    long time no see everybody. *joins the club of no-children-in-yaoi!*

    Bleach, huh? when the iceboy grows up, he may be a bishie, but adult or not, I seriously dislike his marysue-ish character...

    @graw: whaddaya mean, kubo who? kubo tite-sensei, of course!
  7. jcs1stang
    i just thought of a new one to bring up...Sora and Riku from Kingdom hearts...I was listening to Utada hikaru today, and it just kinda hit me like a brick wall all the f*cked up **** they do with those two. Hell, they can't be anymore than thirteen! And that's Riku! Sora looks even YOUNGER!
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong

    I don't play that game, but I honestly assumed they were both adults, from the way people depict them around here Wow
  9. Grawsparrv

    I don't know about that, but I sure have played the games. They look young, but not THAT young. Err, I think...?
    I mean, Riku has a rather developed body, a broad chest and so on. Sora looks just about his age, really.

    But, they are so beautiful, those boys and lets not forget that boys can look a LOT younger than they are. Specially around the age of 14-18.

  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well 14 is definitely too young, but 18 ... well ... well ... I'll look and smile, perhaps, if no one is watching
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