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Not to offend any fans, but what's with all the Sasu/Naru fics?? O.O

  1. Arigatomina
    @krazeeKunoichi009: Naruto and Sasuke were *made* for switching. I've taken part in dozens of uke/seme debates and in the end we always have to agree that based on personality alone they are best when equal. The problem is we have a favorite character, like one more than the other, and (going out on a limb here) girls make their favorite character the uke because they relate to him more and they relate to bottoming more. That's the only explanation I can think of for those doujinshi and manga artists who prefer having a blonde "butch American" seme to their overly Japanese effeminate uke. The ones who use the blonde as the uke are probably doing it for the same reason American schoolgirls used to love "amethyst-eyed" heroines who have absolutely nothing in common with them - escapism. Either way. Once you get used to a character being "you" it's really hard to make them do what you'd never do - top. I've switched a few of my OTP seme/uke pairings for long fanfics (HeeroxDuo from GW and SanosukexKenshin from RK) and it was really difficult. My readers liked it, but I thought it was stilted and unnatural. It's as hard as imagining me using a strap on to jump my boyfriend. Um...possible but not likely. We really need more male fanfic writers who actually know what it's like to have a dick and use it. Then we'd get more 'natural flowing' stories with characters who like sex in either position. ^^; I swear I'll have Sasuke top at least once in a fic, but I can't stop the idea from making my upper lip curl because he's my favorite and that makes him uke. [Plus Naruto-uke is so often girly I'm terrified mine will end up that way no matter how I try to stop it.]
  2. simplyme
    We really need more male fanfic writers who actually know what it's like to have a dick and use it.
    Exactly. I hate when during the sex scene POV switches from seme's to uke's even though the fic is written entirely from seme's POV, because the author doesn't know what it's like to have a dick.

    Girls like Sasuke more, so since their idol has to be the top, Naruto gets the bottom. Just like that. They also like to point out how humiliating would it be for Sasuke to bottom, because he's too manly. Naruto is a girl with a dick, that's all.

    Once I even read a post here in this forum, that Sasuke is a seme because he's hot. So what, ukes are not hot by default?
  3. Arigatomina
    I remember that post! I think someone (maybe me) replied to it asking if that means Naruto isn't hot. ;p

    Hot means male to them, a guy they'd want to be topped by. Which is why they say Naruto is "cute" rather than hot - cute like them and in need of a 'hot male' to top him.

    I like switching pov back and forth in every scene, just to get both takes on what's going on. But I think I stick with the uke for the physical sensations and only go to the seme for the emotional/visual take on the scene. I'm sure my old fics had 'fangirl seme' descriptions of the act - tight, hot - nothing you couldn't imagine just using your finger. A finger is not a dick, so the descriptions are gonna be off no matter what. ^^; I have had the pleasure of reading RK fics written by a guy. They weren't *that* different from what the girls churn out, but his take on the 'seme/uke' roles was to ignore them entirely. Both guys were guys and position didn't matter as long as they'd 'get some' quickly. No eternal-ukes in sight. Definitely no turning the uke into a little girl. In fact, I think he made them a little too rough (Kenshin *is* cutesy at times and Sanosuke *does* blush when he's embarrased). Minor details. I'd love to have seen him write some Sasu/Naru/Sasu.
  4. Toshiya_Neko
    I'm going to have to disagree with one point I heard in this forum.
    Age, I believe, plays a HUGE part in 'ukification' I believe it was deemed.
    Shouta nearly goes hand in hand with being a uke. That's almost what makes shota shota. It's a young boy with a MUCH older man. "Doe-uyed-girly" ukes are practically cousins to the shota boy (unless the shota boy is the 'scoundrel' type, then they're no longer cousins)

    Then again, anime has this rather annoying quality about it sometimes that decides that a 15 year old boy is going to look 18 while a 21 year old girl is going to look 11 (without chibiness of what have you). Then you also have to think about the targeted age for the anime and blah blah blah.

    Back to the point, the most popular animes are going to have the most fanfics in the current generation, and the main characters of said anime are the ones that will be written about the most (I personally adore Kakashi and Kakashi only and think he should have his own spin off anime written solely about his awesomeness).

    I remember when the thing to write about was Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu Gi Oh, Gundam Wing, and I believe it was also Beyblade and Final Fantasy 7. I hardly see those anymore. I guess in another generation, we'll see more Bleach or whatever new long-ass anime series that'll pop up.

    Oh well.
  5. Tsubaki14
    Hi, well in the middle of the discussion i stop trying to read everything but to start i'm a girl and i think sasuke is a sissi, so out with the manly, he has some good points but even so i relly think he's more like a uke than naruto. For the amount of dj and fanfic that exist around this pair it's simple... there's simply many people likeng this pair, of course there's some good stories and some that are not so good, but people write what they like, what they feel and what they dream about it's only a matter of tastes. And lets be honest everyone of us is different and everyone as different tastes and no one has the right to judje ( is this well written???) and were talking about manga and anime not about real life, if someone writes about a serial murder it doesn't make that person one right?? not everything is ment to be analysed in a real light that's what fantasy is!!!
  6. dharmaserenity
    Maybe what is called for is a recommendation thread of the best Naruto/Sasuke (or vice/versa) fics because if I even wanted to read one (and I do!) I'd have to wade through a very large haystack to find that particular needle lol.
  7. NodokaKisara
    You know, I actually get sick of seeing SasuNaru fics. I mean, the way the writer describes the characters is like 'wtf?1 *stabs eyes out*. Especially when they make Naruto all innocent. I swear, it makes me want to vomit sometimes at the crap they write. Naruto is not innocent, he's not THAT naive, and furthermore, Sasuke isn't that possessive. My god, the one who acts possessive is Naruto! Telling Orochimaru not to touch "his" Sasuke (I think in the japanese dub Naruto said that when fighting Orochimaru, not sure, it's been a while since I say that episode). Sasuke just wants to be left alone to take over the world (lol). I like when characters are OOC, depending on where the story is going, but not when they go overboard with the big eyed, teary ****. In a NaruSasu story, I imagine Sasuke would still be in character because, yeah his pride won't allow Naruto to top, and a fight is insured before sex, but hey, at least there is some decent sex in the end. Not some, sugary-coated, "sweetness" that makes me want to barf. All I'm saying is, if someone is going to do a SasuNaru, at least try and keep the characters in thier..well character. The same goes for NaruSasu (which I am a big fan of lol)
  8. dharmaserenity
    I agree, this is what I would WANT to see in a Sasu/Naru fic. Hence why I don't read... any Sasu/Naru fics lol.
  9. Tsubaki14
    I have to agree, i like some sasu/naru that are a little more based on the characters but that's really hard to find. But lately i've been finding decnt material in fanfiction.net
  10. NodokaKisara
    Sigh, I wish there could be a way that every NaruSasu fan could just ban together and stab all the 'doe eyed writing, innoccent naive' SasuNaru writers in the head...

    Just Joking XD Don't take me seriously on that, it was just a joke. But really how do these people come up with something like that? It's kind of disturbing if you think about it....
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