aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. REM and the IRS
    REM and the IRS
    Since there was so much talk of some comics' movie counterparts, I decided to start a thread for the superheroes of the silver screen. Hee.

    >.>...<.<... So I saw Watchmen today. And I kinda hate myself for liking it. I was all prepared for it to be horrible, but, it was... intense. In a good way. I was surprised it stayed so close to the graphic novel, even with the different ending.

    And the acting was phenominal for no-names, they did well with casting.
    *cries* Jon seemed so sad, I wanted to hug him throughout the entire movie. ;_;
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yay I know I was all geared up to not like the film and I was so pleasently surprised that I did actually quite enjoy it (although it still doesnt match the greatness that was the comic) Good Idea to start a sepate thread for the comic - movie adaptations discussions I wouldnt hate yourself for enjoying the film just be pleasently surprised like I was
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    So I've been seeing the adverts for X-Origins it does just look like Hugh Jackman worship again but I has GAMBIT in it!! I LOVE gambit I hope they get his character right if he's not a cajin child of the streets then I will not be happy!
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    So I went to see Wolverine its ok, full of special effects and slightly dodgy acting and they changed the origins story slightly and took pretty much any excuse for removing Hugh Jackmans shirt ... all in all its watchable and is quite fun but is also kind of silly and doesnt really add much to the overall X-Men story
  5. tearfularcher
    I agree, however I had hoped for more Gambit and Deadpool, overall the movie wasn't bad.
  6. yaoifanboy17
    i thought that Ryan Reynold did a good job as Deadpool, but Gambit could have been better, he barely even had a cajun accent
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    I know!! He was pretty but that was about it! And it was it just me or was the time line completly screwed? I did like Deadpool but he was a completly different character from the comics but at least he was done well I also quite liked the sabertooth character but they didnt explain how he appears in the first Xmen movie (Magnetos henchman) and how on earth did Scott end up meeting (kinda) Wolverine as a teen, and I HATED what they did to the Ice Queen shes ment to be a telephaphic projecting empath not a diamond skinned girl!! Grrrr but still I maintain alright film overalll if you dont allow the comic book nerd out too much!! :P
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    How GOOD does the Kick Ass movie look?!?!?!? I'm really looking forward to seeing that!
  9. Mordor
    I don't really like comics turned into movies. Spiderman, which is one of my all-time favorite superheros, was completely ruined on screen. It was horrible and painful to watch imho.
    Fantastic 4 was a huge disappointed too, and don't even let me get started on watchmen. Hideous. D:
    However, X-mens were quite awesome, and I can watch them over and over again.

    I saw X-men Origins: Wolverine a little while ago, and even though I was waiting for it to be a total disappointment, and was sad how Gambit had been ruined with a lame actor, it turned out to be quite good in the end.
    Sure, there was some stuff that bugged me a bit, but other than that it was really enjoyable imo.
  10. darkalchemist
    I haf yet to see a good superhero movie. Dun get me wrong, I luv the X-Men movies, couple Batmans and the older Superman flicks, but there's always sumtin wrong. Either the actors suck or the storyline sucks or they've re-written way too much stuff but sumtin's always off. :<

    Spiderman is me fave superhero of all times. I can't stand the movies. Everything goes wrong with 'em. The chara chemistries are wrong, the story dun go rite, the actors all suck ('cept for Willem Dafoe, he was perfect fit for Green Goblin, Imo) and all and all, all the movies are boring as hell. :<

    Watchmen was a painful experience too, and wtf was that newest Superman movie? x_x

    Fantastic4s were amusing enough tho on both accounts, I kept waiting for the movie begin and it never did. They're like one big intro. o_O;;

    X-Men movies are me faves and I've seen all of 'em several times, even Wolverine. They're far from perfect and the holes in the storyline are the size of a dinosaur but they manage to keep me entertained and that's huge! ^^

    For Batman, I like the old Burton ones and their comicbook look. Not to mention they follow the story. ^^ The two Robin ones in the middle are utter crap but I thought all the villains did excellent job. Both Batmans were horrible tho. And dun even let me get started on Robin or Batgirl x_x The new Batmans are good as movies if ye dun think of 'em as Batman. Batman-wise they suck and everything goes wrong. XD I've also seen the Halle Berry Catwoman but I've succesfully blocked it from me mind. x_x

    I wish not to aknowledge the existence of the movies that raped Matt Murdock. Thank ye.
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