Hey hey, I like GinoSuza too! ;P Even wrote a oneshot around the pairing, it's hiding somewhere on FF.net~ Mind you, they don't show Gino as much as they should, all things considering. ;_;
Hi there Ryocha~ ^^ I like LuluRolo and GinoSuza as well XDD Right now they seem just as good as Suzalulu
Nah it would be LuluSuzu
How about we say they take turns, depending on who's in the mood? ;D
No. Nah okie. Maybe.
And now, for a much-needed fangirl cryfest: ROLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ;__;
wow it's the first time I actually see someone else who likes Rolo. I'm kinda sad that majority of the people I know hate him through and through. I'm still in denial actually ( For over two hours I was thinking of several possibilities for his survival. I'm just so sad. Btw hi I'm new here
I am a huge Rolo fangirl and with what happened last turn I'm am still sad. Even knowing with spoilers didn't ease the pain at all.
I remember that thread on 4chan (if we post pics of rolo we might still save him) 6 threads with pics ofrolo didnät help DD8