aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

♥ Bell Liberty Academy ♥

  1. blu chocobo
    blu chocobo
    Oh Endo-kun~

    Although the story's a bit lacking, the Anime's so pretty *.*
  2. sujasmine
    Those guys are funny and awesome
  3. SunlilyQ
    I agree, the anime didn't do it for me, but I'm a fan of the game and mangas. I just wonder how poor Keita's bumhole is going to hold out after all the main characters run through him?

    I'm still hopelessly in love with Naruse and Nakajima.
  4. Blue_Star
    Higuri You is the love<3 I too have to admit that I like the game a lot better, but like a true fan I still went out and bought the anime just to support her
  5. andreya
    Ahh... I want a second season of GH
  6. Talasca
    Me too. I know that the anime wasn't that good but, uh, all the eye candy made it up. ^_~
  7. xene
    Yummy bishies goin' to school together heaven ain't it?~ Here's hopin to a sequal game and anime with even more bishie-licious guys~ *I tried cosplayin' in the Bell Liberty uniform but I look nowhere near as good as the boys there, check out my profile to see x3*
  8. kunitsu
    Yes a toast to more Gakuen Heaven the Higuri You version

    Which reminds me I saw a Gakuen Heaven female version where there was only one guy
  9. sommar
    YAY! for all the gakuen bishies!!! Really, have you ever seen a series so filled with with beautiful men... uhmm... and boys? Sure the anime was a tease but a beautiful one! *LOL*
  10. SunlilyQ
    @Kuni: I think I know what your talking about. But I was under the impression that it was mostly ecchi/hentai material. I actually read the first chapter, but yeah, not anything like You Higuri's version.

    I actually want more games for the series. XD
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