Oh Endo-kun~ Although the story's a bit lacking, the Anime's so pretty *.*
Those guys are funny and awesome
I agree, the anime didn't do it for me, but I'm a fan of the game and mangas. I just wonder how poor Keita's bumhole is going to hold out after all the main characters run through him? I'm still hopelessly in love with Naruse and Nakajima.
Higuri You is the love<3 I too have to admit that I like the game a lot better, but like a true fan I still went out and bought the anime just to support her
Ahh... I want a second season of GH
Me too. I know that the anime wasn't that good but, uh, all the eye candy made it up. ^_~
Yummy bishies goin' to school together heaven ain't it?~ Here's hopin to a sequal game and anime with even more bishie-licious guys~ *I tried cosplayin' in the Bell Liberty uniform but I look nowhere near as good as the boys there, check out my profile to see x3*
Yes a toast to more Gakuen Heaven the Higuri You version Which reminds me I saw a Gakuen Heaven female version where there was only one guy
YAY! for all the gakuen bishies!!! Really, have you ever seen a series so filled with with beautiful men... uhmm... and boys? Sure the anime was a tease but a beautiful one! *LOL*
@Kuni: I think I know what your talking about. But I was under the impression that it was mostly ecchi/hentai material. I actually read the first chapter, but yeah, not anything like You Higuri's version. I actually want more games for the series. XD