Based off of the manga, this movie is a mature comedy. Negishi Soichi is a shy and gentle teenager who dreams of joining a trendy pop band. However Negishi finds himself as the lead singer of a Death metal band named “Detroit Metal City” and takes the name of Johannes Krauser II. As Negishi himself, he hates the music of DMC and aspires to be a trendy musician. However when Negishi becomes Krauser, he becomes a different person and he’s great at it. He puts on such excellent shows; fans believe he is a devil. Negishi finds himself trying to satisfy both worlds. Kenichi Matsuyama is Negishi Soichi. This movie is very funny. I seen part of it already and it was great! Has anyone else seen it?
I wanted to see it, but I kinda miss it when I was in japan this summer. I think the dvd is not out yet , right? But the trailer looked really funny!
Dvd came out on the 13th. Which means it'll take forever for it to be in english subs...=(
really the dvd is out?? gotta download the raw then!