aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Devil May Cry

  1. Blue_Star
    syn, you can stand around with it and point at people, saying smart ass things like "C'mon, wimp."XD That should be good for something...even if it is only 4 ft long
  2. synnesai
    xD I was thinking about running around my apartment complex saying:

    "I am Dante...son of Sparda...fear me...HEEHEE!" and the prance off xD

    I was so syked when I got it xD but now it's just against my wall...OwO I feel like a dork...oh well, s'not like I tattooed his name on me D: ((my friend got Squall's Griever tattooed on her -_____-))
  3. SquallxZell
    @synnesai: Tattoo...on her... Well she must really be obsessed!! ^^; But if I'm going to have Dante anywhere, it would be... never mind!
  4. synnesai
    yeah on her back...my friend and I were like "Dude...you may as well just tattoo squall's name on you..." but whatever! Her body....

    and OH MY! xD Where WOULD you have dante??? xDDD
  5. coz1134
    I was going to buy Ebony and Ivory replicas but they were air soft and I can't get air soft here... >.> stupid people making laws...
  6. Miysis
    Lol Synnesai.

    I thought about giving my snowboard a makeover .. with the Devil May Cry logo xD ... *still thinks about doing that*
  7. synnesai
    @miy: ohhh that'd be AWESOME xD is snow boarding hard??? xD I wanna learn one day =3

    @coz: awe really?? I saw replica's and I was like "HOLY SHIZ! I want O__o;" but...eh....sword is good ^^;;;

    still sitting there...suppose I should buy a stand for it...
  8. Shini
    Ooh yeah the replicas! They look freaking awesome too, I wanted to buy them but well... y'know.. xD Not really the kind of things you can buy easily anywayz!

    And she tattoed Squall? OMFG! xD I have a tattoo, but I wouldn't tattoo Dante or Vergil! It's like... a bit too much, and my parents would go crazy I think!

    Yeah you should get a stand for it, and running in your appartment seems so cute! xD Ha ha ha!
  9. coz1134
    Wow... I'd love a snowboard with DMC related stuff on it... I'd buy it eben if I couldn't do it...

    I'd say it would be hard though... harder than skiing I'd imagine...

    You should enshrine it! Red velvet and all!
  10. Marcy Jade
    Marcy Jade
    I heard a few years back that there was supposed to be a DMC movie, anyone heard anything on this?
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