aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Devil May Cry

  1. Deni27
    I definatly agree with Tila...that would make awsome yaoi...I heard they were making an Anime of Devil May Cry, and I hope vergil is there with major teasers for both!! Gyahh!! I love them sooo much!!!!

    Hey what are some good fanfictions you have read about DantexVergil?
  2. synnesai

    you know I can't play DMC at night?? xD The music freaks me out too much so I get scared OwO;;;


    I just thought I should admit this hahaha xD ((maybe that's why I haven't beaten the games yet xD my only free time is at night OwO;;; ))
  3. Camysan
    Aww (hugs syn) I know how you feel. If something freaks me out, I'd rather play it during the day x_x
  4. puffhime
    X.x dante and nero ish hot =3 and yaoi for that is yay XD
  5. Deni27
    I LOVE the music in DMC!! It is totally awseome! But I can see how it can freak people out...hehee...The music in Silent hill freaks me out the most though...

    Ohh!! I rented the DMC4 game again so that I can finish it! So far being Dante kicks so much ass! He is so ADORABLE~!!!~~
  6. synnesai
    Oh dude dun get me wrong xD The OST is awesome - it's just I'm a freak and I get scared easily xD
  7. Camysan
    I love the music as well and I'm so damn thankful that I've never played Silent Hill. I just know I won't sleep for an entire week if I played that game x_X Maybe more...><

    Right now as I type this, I'm ordering DMC 3: Special Edition >DD
  8. Shini
    I must buy my PS3 in the USA since Euro's currency is really high! xD

    I loveee the DMC OSTs! They're the best! But yeah Silent Hill is freaking scary! Never managed to finish the third one cause I was too scared, even with having a friend over to play it....

    And I just played DMC4!! It's freaking awesome! I love Nero, he's so arrogant (a bit like Dante in fact!) but the ending s*cked :/ I already have DMC 3 SE and it's pretty good! So yeah, I'll have to wait until I get my hands on a PS3.
  9. Camysan
    Eeks >_o Well, I got the one that doesn't have backward compatibility which now I regret since the PS3 can use wireless and our PS2 needs to be connected. I don't have two internet connections on the wall x_x Meep.

    Yay! Right now I'm playing it with the internet on. Finally got the wireless all configured on it. Nero is awesome. I got so used to his arm, I keep forgetting Dante doesn't have it XDDD "Grab them! Grab - oh, it's Dante. USE SWORD THEN!" I always use swordsman. I suck at the others |D Also, was I the only one drooling over Nero's voice? >>; Also...Dante's eyes are very beautiful in the game.

    Yeah, I didn't even know that much about Devil May Cry when I bought the second game which was...quite...odd. Can't wait to get DMC 3 SE though. I ordered it to come the next day. I had enough. When it comes to games like these, I'm impatient x3
  10. synnesai
    ahhh shini played DMC4 ?? xD I'm not too surpirsed

    how'd you play it?
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