aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Devil May Cry

  1. Blue_Star
    Yeah, then it's the same one (Aoi Ani Syoukougun) It hasn't gotten here yet, but I'm like....>># It's not up here already is it? I haven't seen it, but then again I won't bother trying to post it if it's here and I by chance missed it.

    Ooh, something translated?^^ Is it a Firehouse one? Those crack me sh*t up. So very manly....
  2. Shini
    No it's not. I was too lazy to scan it in fact.. I have a doujinshi by Firehouse too. Someday I'll translate it.. It's the one by Yuu-something called Fragment! It's up on Aarin in RAW. Hmm I think I'm going to get someone to do the scanlation for me, I'm a bit busy ^^"
  3. synnesai
    guys are SOOO lucky you can get dmc doujin's so easily =_____= -curses disney for all their worth-

    anyways, I heard a lot of bad things about DMC2 myself D: so I never endeavored on buying it....^^;;; ((though they are selling the 3 dmc games for 30 bucks....I'm tempted haha))


    if the manga has furigana - I can help a bit on translation....I'd have to look at it though...^^;;
  4. synnesai
    Hey guys!

    Has anyone ever hear of the Video Game Live? It's a group of talented orchestra musicians that go touring around the WORLD and what do they do...? They plays songs from video games!

    >Dates and Locations<

    I'm going to one where I live. I suggest you guys try going! I think tickets are like...$10 ((US)) dollars - maybe a bit more. I know the one time they were here, the tickets were around that price. It's not expensive and IMO - they are very much worth it!

    If you want a little sample of what they do:


    It's very like "OMG! I WANNA GOOO" for me. ((haha the guy yelled out frogger xD)) Anyways...the one thing I sort of dun like... ((I used to play in a band so I attended a lot of orchestra and band concerts)) is that the people aren't quiest so you can hear the music - but then again...how could you be - right? Not when your favorites game is being played in front of you LIVE.

    So hopefully someone else will be interested in going =] I know I am!
  5. Kuroneko-sama
    @synn: ... Oh! I've so heard about them. I actually get newsletters from them every so often. I've been wanting to go to one for the longest [because I saw the video where they have the FFVII cosplayers...*drool*] but I just have no on to go with... so I go sulk in my corner...

    @ Shini: WB!!! my dear. I was wondering where you'd disappeared to. As ffor my fic...umm..err....

    Its... slowly getting done...stupid school work, and not to mention spending most of my free time playing....but yeah. I know how it'll end, but its just a matter of me sitting down to write it out...xD

    So no need to stalk me..lol I'll be back...eventually
  6. coz1134
    No, I haven't heard of them... geeesh... I forget these group things and then get lost...er...
  7. Blue_Star
    @ Syn: Yes, I've actually been!^^ (And for free)

    My Mom works at the symphony where I live so she's sometimes able to get free tickets (when she does she bothers me to go with her>>')They came here a couple years ago and played. At first I didn't want to go but I ended up getting dragged along anyway.

    They played stuff from Mario,Sonic, Castlevania etc. It was really weird hearing stuff like 'Hilltop Zone Act I' being played by an orchestra XD

    You might wanna know though Syn that for the Kingdom Hearts part all they did was play that 'Wish Upon a Star' song and roll footage from different Disney movies =_= There was no actual KH stuff played (I don't think Disney would give them permission) and at the end a few people seemed pissed off. This one dude played all this Final Fantasy stuff on piano and that was ok, but in the end I'm glad I went for free. I'da been angry if I had to pay to see it ^^'
  8. thebrokenme
    DMC4 was one of the best installments of the series. Anyone else think Dante lost his mind slightly when he acquired Lucifer?
    It was pure magic when he...'whipped it out.'
  9. Shini
    I didn't play DMC4 yet! And I didn't go to my friend's house to play it actually... u__u Maybe next week!

    @Kuro: I'm stalking you! Real close! Watch out! =p
  10. synnesai
    @blue: yeah - but I've seen video's where they play hikari too and I'm like "EFF YEAH!!! xD"

    any kh songs is chill - and I'm fine with the zelda and FF music xD they were here one year and did a FF only concert....at least - some orchestra did haha xD and I think I'd get a discount seeing as they are here during a convention - last time they were here, members at the con got a discount hahaha! xD I was like "I WILL GO D:"

    and if you watched the vid I gave the guys explains why they only showed disney footage xD it was actually square's fault! xD lmao! plot twist x3 but that IS disappointing D: yeah - good thing it was free! haha

    ahhh I'm still syked though haha xD
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