aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Story/Plot Help

  1. CrisNoWait
    Question: if anyone can please help...
    How important are the *details* of every event in a story? Ok I'm not making sense. A story I'm working on has 2 main chars that meet when the hero saves the other from a life and death battle.

    The hero takes him to a safe location and heals him, when the victim wakes he...

    *now should I include "every detail" of how he got into that life & death battle*

    Some of the victims story is told, for example he's following someone, gets lost, discovers he is now being chased by a thing, and dives (this I left out* "in a river" ) When he awakes another creature has him half naked and plans to 'do things to him'

    The short version is, he fights the man off but opens himself up to a greater danger *which the hero rescues him from.*

    Would it be "important" to dwell on who/what the 2 creatures are? They will never resurface again. I wonder if it would be pointless to have the main chars discuss the two dead beast

    I hope this not confusing.... I do not want to contaminate anyone

    I should add that I've seen fans on both sides. Those that prefer long descriptive stories, and those that like succinct fictions. One of my favorites authors, explained to me, that "..jargon is unnecessary to a story...the specific detail on what is occurring is better expressed in as few words as possible..." Now she was beta-ing a fiction for a friend, and explained why she made the suggested changes.

    Her stories do not leave me with an urge to know what the environment holds, she describes the scene quickly then zips through the dialect without missing a beat. I never feel I've missed an important detail after reading her story, and even if the updates come in *extremely slow* the impact in each line jumps off the monitor. ^^

    So I've tried to see where I can trim the fat in my fan fictions. Well the story I'm pondering now is an original fiction so much more effort to draw out the plot and story flow.

    If anyone has thoughts on the issue thanks..
  2. Arigatomina
    It's a style issue. If don't feel like something is missing when you read your friend's succinct story, then that's the style you prefer. Don't describe anything that isn't essential to the story you're telling. If those creatures are unimportant to the character you're following, if he's going to forget them as quickly as the reader, then they don't matter. Mention them in passing like you might mention there were leaves on the ground when he walked to his death. We don't need to know what color those leaves are to know the only impact they had on the character is the sound they made. Describe what stands in the character's mind and leave the rest to the reader's imagination.

    Some people like hefty stories. Me, I think waking to a creature trying to have its way with me would be a huge deal. I'd remember that for a long time, what it looked like, what it did, how it made me feel - and so I'd have the scene be just as impacting and important (and thereby descriptive) for the character. Those creatures might not have an important role in the bigger story, but as a character-driven writer, I'd consider them very important to making the character who he is and explaining why he acts the way he does. Unless he shrugs them off like those crinkling leaves on the ground, I want to know how they affected him. I'm a hungry reader. I like fast snacks, but I remember the Thanksgiving style binges more than any tasty little five-minute treat.

    Write what you'd like to read. If you don't care about the details, leave them out. Forcing yourself to write about crap you don't care about makes for a boring read, even for those who *do* like detailed stories. If you don't find it interesting or important, there's no way the reader will.
  3. CrisNoWait
    Thank you very much, I'm in the center I find the creature interesting but didn't want to babble in the story. You gave me great insight *I'll revisit the battle for the main chars life* I know I can improve on his emotional impact.
    On another note Arigatomina will you do the dark fiction contest?
  4. Arigatomina
    @CrisNoWait - Glad to help. Though you know I'm in the "more is better" crowd, so don't take my very biased opinion too seriously. And, no, no contest for me. I don't write on demand and wouldn't share original fiction on the internet even if I did. And I burned myself out on dark a long time ago. I see too much violence and angst just dealing with family members to let it into my stories. Those are for entertainment and a get-away from the melodrama of Real-Life. I prefer them amusing interesting and preferably smutty with just a few bits of dark to keep it gritty. ^.~
  5. CrisNoWait
    Thanks again, I remember you saying that before now that you reminded me. (the writing on demand thing) Its ok, I count you as the most inspirational author I've ever read, and your descriptive mixture with angst, humor, drama and smut is refreshing. It is nice to read a stories in which every line is perfectly fine tuned for not just you but the readers enjoyment. *sigh* Now about the next update, I'd like to see that squirrel *eat* that nut..
  6. Miko
    I Need a second Opinion!

    I'm working on an entry for a fiction challenge here on aarinfantasy and wondering if anyone would be willing to look at the contest parameters and give that story a quick read - and let me know if you think I seem to have strayed from the specified theme. I can't seem to determine whether or not that's the case for myself.

    (I hope that makes sense)
  7. melodysnow
    @Miko: I'd be willing to read it, if you still need a second opinion.. what challenge is it for?
  8. CrisNoWait
    there are so many at the moment not that i'm great with insight, but no problem reviewing the thread..
  9. Miko
    @melodysnow - I've decided to forego that challenge because I really wasn't happy/working well with trying to write a story around such constricting plot parameters. Thanks for offering though! XD
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