aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Ideas Ideas Ideas

  1. Yaoimaniac92
    Right now I'm working a Doujinshi for Togainu no Chi (pairing: Kau and Akira)
    My mother is constantly telling me that explicit sex scenes are something I shouldn't write about (yet I do it all the time). Sometimes I feel like she doesn't accept the fact that I write about gay couples. Her and my therapist (she's not anymore, the sessions ended a while ago) called them "porn". Funny thing. I don't write "porn", I write explicit love stories with detailed sex in it (is that porn?) If it is I'd prefer it be called Erotica. I like that better.
    I write other types of books too, but still she wants me to stop. *sigh*
    Oh, well.
    I love having characters crossdress so I decided to incoperate that in my story as well. I see no problem with smut. I probably read more smut that I realize. Shota is growing on me. One thing I love is BDSM. It's a total rush!!
    I am writing an orginal story involving that. Ugh, I keep getting all these ideas and am scared I might lose them, so I begin new things. It's like a syndrom. I have to be more orderly in my work.
    Does anyone have any pointers?
  2. Faust
    As long as the story isn't focused on sex, I don't see why it needs to be labeled as 'porn'. I would say porn would be mainly for sexual gratification, whereas something that would not be porn would be story-centric. And you know, sex could really drive the story if you play things out well enough. /nod

    As for your ideas.. I totally understand what you're dealing with. What I do is that, as soon as I get an idea, I take a sticky note and write down little things to help me remember it when I actually sit down and write. I have a collection of stickynotes in my closet/work area. /laugh

    If you need any help, feel free to drop me a note, and, I'd love to read your work when you are finished. ♥
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