aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. Shivakigirl
    Hey you guys!
    What is your choice or choices for the Story of The Year? Whether or not it has been nominated... Sorry if this has been asked before
    1- Hunting the Prophet by hayley_beth24
    2- The Silent Dance by Archangel Of Pain
    and others... let me think about it
  2. Nachtwind
    First of all: Yes *runs and hides* I DO remember cutie Rain.....and sexy, sly bastard Efren with all his dark intentions and skills *cough*
    Love is not a Competition won't be on hold forever *huggles* I told you, you should come over into Exorcism gone wrong in the meanwhile *laughs* Give it a chance, you'll love it, if you love Rain and Efren^^

    And I doubt I will come to not like it *grins* You got me soooo curious with the set up.
    I mean....Kyran and Tetzel together for a whole year........
    Plus, knowing what Kyran got turned on from in the first chapter you posted *hehehe* This will be great!

    As for story of the year: Hunting is not nominated, but I think I will nominate it.
    *siiiiiiiiiiiigh* But it will make my choice so so so much harder.
    Because Comatose is already nominated too. Then Beauty of The Beast by Mirai and I am thinking about nominating The Art of Sex.
    I am also thinking about nominating one of ceaseallfeeling's fics. They often helped me bridgeing the time gap when I was waiting for one of my fav fics to continue XD
    Shades of Taste is nominated too Wahhhhh it will be soooo hard to choose!
  3. Shivakigirl
    I know, I have the same problem!!!
    I love The Art of Sex! I just wish Mirai would update more often!
    I really loved Comatose... what to do??

    Ok, promised! I will read Exorcism I readthe prologue, and I knew it would be good, but I want Efren and Rain back so badly!!!!!!I love the kind of chemistry they had, I love love as a competition. But you should not force yourself to write a story you don`t like anymore...

    About Tetzel and Kyran in my fanfic.... there`s something you should NOT forget. They won`t be angel and demon anymore, but humans. It will change the dynamic... that`s why I`m scared to disappoint you
  4. Nachtwind
    I know *nods in agreement* But unfortunately mirai is just too busy atm. I talk and text alot with her. Maybe she'll come back to it once she gets more freetime or holidays again ^__^
    Yes, I loved Comatose too, but I think Hunting is Hayley's best fic so far (I read Wolf Tears and the one before it, which name I can't remember right now *cough* too)

    I still love Love Comp and the chemistry between Efren and Rain. You'll find lots of that in Exorcism too^^ It's really just a matter of lack of time atm, since I want to doit right once it is revived ^___^

    *laughs* So? I don't think that's a minus, in fact it makes things so much more interesting. Usually Kyran was always the one holding more power and defeating the angel. Now they are both mere humans, so I'm curious how things will turn out
  5. Shivakigirl
    I thought Wolf Tears was great! There`s something about that story that really compelled me! I think it`s the smelling thing... I cried rivers reading that story.
    But I agree, Hunting is just fascinating! Hayley did an amazing job with the characters, the best being Kyran, of course!

    Well, I`m happy you take it that way. It was important for me to have funny moments in the story. Having an angel and a demon turn human, it gives me lots of material for that. But the battle of will is very important too. This story is MY fantasy
    I wish you`d write a fanfic too. I bet it`d be great!!
  6. Nachtwind
    Now that we talk about it, I never read the good ending of Wolf Tears I remember Hayley wrote two alternative endings, but I only read the sad one and I think I will never read the good one *shakes head* I like it this way. So beautifully sad *smiles*
    Yes, I like alot of the Hunting characters. But I love Zaki above all...probably because he's such an exception because I usually side with the villains XD

    Funny moments sounds awesome ^________^ (and I rather not start writing fan-fics too *laughs* Or I'll never get back to Love Comp, right?^^)
  7. Shivakigirl
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sorry I even mentioned it!!!!!!!!!!!
    You write Love Comp, I`ll write Fanfic!

    I looooooooooove Zaki!! He makes my heart melt!
    Sorry, but in my story, he`s all grown up...
    Jasmine and Dorcha also make my heart sing
    But My heart, my soul, my life, it all belongs to Kyran!
  8. Nachtwind
    Fine^^ I wouldn't dare to write about any but my own characters anyway >__>

    I know he's all grown up in At Arm's length I find that really interesting and I was so happy to see them appearing in the fanfic too ^_^
    *laughs* Yes...the boys that play with fire, always the hottest ones^^
  9. Shivakigirl
    yeah... you`ve got the devil playing sexy fire tricks
    He`s very nice for the Devil...

    I`m happy you like the grown up version of Zaki. You`ll see him again later
  10. Nachtwind
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I can't wait to see him again! *cuddles Zaki* I love him so so much ^___^ although he's grown up, he still seems like the sweet cutie inside <3

    *laughs* playing with fire is fun~
    Oh, and I need some evilness saved for the real evil guys, right? aka: Villians (that haven't shown up yet, but are about to <3)
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