aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. Nachtwind
    *catches cham* *grins and pinches nose* Hey there! *snuggles*

    I think there was one fic I read before wolf tears even....wahhhh tell me the name I forgot >< Something with redheaded twins where one of them was dead (the girl o/c )
    and agreed! I think Hunting is her best so far. The characters are even more developed than in comatose and goood, so highly addictive XD
    (Zaki is mine *giggles*) *pats your dorcha's head* Poor him, he doesn't have much fun atm...and now that Elyzer changes *siiiighs* I hope she updates soon again ><
  2. chamorrican56
    *giggles and nuzzles more* hey~

    you like Zaki alot , for one, he is a red head . and i know how much you love red heads *points to flint!* and secondly because who can not love that adorably sweet innocent creature?!! *huggles him* this is why i had to show Jaski love by asking Hayley to make my sig just for them!
    i know my poor dorcha is so sad *huggles him* and when she told me about Elyzers change in feelings i nearly sobbed going "whyyyyyyyyyyy, dorcha needs him and he needs Dorcha"
    well we can always pounce on her to force her to get to writing (that is after her job and her other scripts she must write D: )

    @everyone else: oh if anyone wants to read a kick ass story with comedy, Satan and his henchmen, awesome fights scenes mixed in with one kick ass toothfairy then i suggest you read Nachtwind's Exorcism Gone Wrong. it is extremely funny and highly erotic. you will be lining up for you ticket in hell (i know i did >.>) XD
  3. CrisNoWait
    Online Writer Support<--this was posted by Miko, its going to be a new group for those who are serious about writing and getting a work published just give a peek and post if you are interested.

    Chamorrican I don't know what to do with you!! If you write get your booty over to the Secret Santa thread and fill some wishes, I am pulling my hair out with plots I need more smut...that will help off to write pervs

    @Natchwint you are a charming person ^^ I see you and Hayley are nominee for Dec of the Month, I guess I need to read one and vote lol! I recently began reading more "religious" fiction I have issues w/it but I am getting over them. Exorcism is one of yours I previewed, then never went back do to personal issues and NaNoWriMo and being a disorganized ass...^^ now Chamor and Dark speak highly of you, as well as Mirai >__< it wont hurt to take a look..8D
  4. chamorrican56
    @Cris: *giggles* waaaah? *innocent look* and no i dont write, a friend of mine is trying to get me to write, but i am very cynical about my work that i usually scrap my stuff after the first paragraph is written XD

    but this secret Santa thread sounds interesting , whats it about?
  5. ShiroiKuro
    Well hello people!!! yaya a stalker's group...muahaha i been stalking passh for more carnalli goodness love that story very much haha. Also been stalking lots of other stories like dragon boy, A.S.S list, fragments of silver and lots of other stuff i cant remember without looking at the name haha..now we can all share our stalkees and they can be stalked by more than just 1 person muahahah!!!
  6. Nachtwind

    @cham: *grins* Yes! First point! REDHEAD! *snuggles all her own little redheads* (Did you notice there isn't a redhead in Exorcism until now....*taps cheek* I ALWAYS have a redhead...we need to change that hun^^) *curls up on Flint's lap* ^______^
    Zaki is just too cute. Hayley has thrown me totally out of my pattern with him XD I usually side with the villains or at least the dark characters -- Zaki is the one and only exception *huggles him*
    Dorcha....*sigh* It's so harsh because he is not only losing his love, but also the thing that's the second precioust in his life, although he might not have noticed. *pats his head* He has little to hold onto right now, since he thinks he won't see Alexy ever again and Elyzer is starting to turn away. *sniff and cuddles* But I think it's just Hayley's way to get us away from the idea of Dorcha/Alexy because we want to see Dorcha happy, even if it's with Elyzer *grumbles* She's sly, but not unpredictable *grins*
    (wahhhh, btw: Now I will always see Alexy as a sly, mean, seductive bastard because she used Chace Crawford (aka. Efren) for him. Nuuuuuuuuuuu *hahahahaha* But I always knew Alexy had this side~ *wiggles eyebrows and winks*)

    *lol* And you just HAD to mention the toothfairy in your description, right? *laughs so hard* I know, his hipbones are just so....bite-able^^

    @Cris: charming? *giggles and hugs* But you better not pull out the other bad bad c-word *wiggles eyebrows*
    As for religious fiction: I'm not a very religious person *cough* and I wouldn't call Exorcism a religious fic XDDD That the terms Devil and Hell are used in there, are probably the only thing ^^
    Don't be dissappointed >__> In my opinion, Dark, cham and Mirai exaggerrate ^^ (*laughs* but if you ever read a fic of mine, you should try that and not the others, because Exorcism is the most smut-orientated XDDD So I guess something for you *hahaha* )
  7. Rosette89
    Awesome group *grins* I think I read almost every story mentioned so far... So I think I qualify for stalking *hihihi*

    @ Nacht -- hipbones...bite-able XDDDDDD *smirks* you said it.

    Zaaaaaaki *snuggles the red-head*

    @ cham -- *smiles somewhat sadly* Dorcha... *curls up with him* I really loved the Dorcha sig you had a while ago. But I also love the Jaski one *adopts your term* XD
  8. Nachtwind

    @Rose: *grins* Hey sweety! You know how happily I stalk Raven and Rory ^__^ I totally qualify *grins*

    And if the toothfairy's hipbones aren't bite-able, who's are?! Look at them
    (I know at least cham and I want to bite that pelvic bone )
  9. CrisNoWait
    @Shiro & Rosette Welcome xD! Easy points on Carnalli pg back to see trivia! ^__^ nice to have you ^__~

    @Nachat what other "c" word?!?! I cant hear you or anyone saying anything but great things about wonderful Authors....lol! Thanks for ths scoope on Excersim ^^) not religious..i wondered if my siggy would "irk" some people xD! No one has complained so far
    kakaka!! btw redheads belong to me!!!! See their bottoms get red for me too!! Red tops and bottoms good moring/afternoon everyone..
  10. loveusender
    thank you beautiful people for telling me about Exorcism..i've now started and reached the fourth chapter already!!!i'm hooked!! who thought the devil could be so damn naughty!! i love how he read's jules' mind!! so damn smutty!! nachtwind you're a god!
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